ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.7.1 Server node (host) properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

Device Name

Any character string

Indicates the host name of a server node. If a server node having the same host name is already stored in the manager management database, the host name indicated here may be followed by ". + suffix-number (*1)".

If the host name cannot be resolved, the host name is indicated in the "IP-ip-address" format.

*1 Suffix numbers are assigned sequentially from 0.

Device Status


Indicates the status of a device.

The Domain view displays the either status of the HBA or the multipath, which is faultier. By contrast, the Correlation window displays the statuses that are most faulty among the statuses of all of the elements managed on that window.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"normal ",

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.

"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.

"unmonitored" indicates that the device is registered with this software but cannot be recognized for operation with a LAN.

"undefined" indicates that operation of the device in a LAN has been verified, though the device is not registered with this software.

IP Address

IP address

Indicates the IP address of a device in a LAN.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the start command or URL of Management Software. (It can be changed manually with the <Change> button. For details, see "B.7 Resource View Properties".)

Firmware Version

Any character string

Indicates the version number information of Agent.

Event Notification function setup

"Setting up",
"Un-setting up",
"Manual setup"

Indicates the event notification setting status of Agent.

Server Node Information

OS Type

"Linux (SUSE)",

Indicates an OS name.

Solaris denotes the Solaris OS.

Windows NT denotes WindowsNT, Windows2000 denotes Windows 2000, Windows2003 denotes Windows Server 2003, and Windows2008 denotes WIndows Server 2008.

Linux, Linux (SUSE) denotes Linux.

Linux(VMware) denotes VMware.

HP-UX denotes HP-UX.

AIX denotes AIX.

OS Version

Any character string

Indicates the OS version number.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, 2.6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are displayed.

For the Windows versions of Agent, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.2 are displayed.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the kernel version numbers are displayed.

For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the release identifiers are displayed.

For the AIX versions of Agent, version numbers are displayed in the "version-number.release-number" format.

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control method.

"MPLB" denotes the Solaris OS version and Linux(RHEL) version of GRMPD and ETERNUS Multipath Driver, and "MP" denotes the Windows version.

No value is displayed when the agent is HP-UX version or AIX version. No value is displayed when the Solaris OS version and HBA are produced by SUN.

MultiPath Instance Name (LUN)

"mplb1(lun1), mplb2(lun2)", "c2t17d1(lun1), c2t17d2(lun2)", etc. (Solaris OS)

"Disk0(lun0), Disk1(lun1)", etc.(Windows)

"/dev/sda,/dev/sdb", etc.(Linux)

Indicates the multipath disk control instance name.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, the LUN numbers corresponding to the instance names defined under multipath disk control are displayed. When two or more numbers are displayed, they are separated by ",".

For the Windows versions of Agent, a disk number and LUN number associated with a path is displayed. If two or more numbers are displayed, they are delimited by ",".

For the Linux versions of Agent, GRMPD disk device nodes are displayed. If two or more disk device nodes are displayed, they are delimited by ",".

No value is displayed when the agent is HP-UX version or AIX version. No value is displayed when the Solaris OS version and HBA are produced by SUN.

MultiPath Access Path

"c1t1, c2t1, c3t1", etc. (Solaris OS)

"p1b0t0, p2b1t0", etc. (Windows)

"h1c0t0, h2c1t0", etc. (Linux)

Indicates one of the device path (access path) names used multipath disk control. If two or more names are displayed, they are delimited by ",".

No value is displayed when the agent is the HP-UX version or the AIX version. No value is displayed when the Solaris OS version and HBA are produced by SUN.

No value is displayed when the agent cannot collect information.