This section explains the menus that can be used in the resource view.
Main view or [Ctrl] + [O]
The Main view is displayed.
Retrieve Information
Database information can be retrieved (Only for the menu of Main View, Server View and Storage View. The function cannot be used while a device icon is selected. Information in the Correlation window cannot be retrieved from here.)
[Register a server]
Select this to register a server node.
[Register SAN devices]
Select this to register devices to be managed under control of this software. Valid only when an unregistered device icon is selected.
Delete the specified device and it is excludes from the management by this software. Valid only when a device icon is selected. Thereafter, this software does nothing for the relevant device.
Register SAN devices (Only for Base domain view of Storage category)
[Detect device in subnet]
Select this to automatically detect devices in the same subnet as the administrative server. If a supported device is detected, it is displayed as an unregistered device in the Review view. This function is valid only when no device icon is selected. The administrative server internally broadcasts SNMP to the network. Devices in other subnets can also be detected simultaneously. For more information, see "Appendix C Customization". (This function is valid only when no device icon is selected.)
[Detect by IP address]
Select this to detect a device connected to the SAN by specifying its IP. (This function is valid only when no device icon is selected.)
Correlation Window
Displays a window that displays the correlation of detail elements in the device.
Performance Management Window
Opens the Performance Management window that displays performance data. Multiple Windows can be opened at the same time.
Manual Configuration window
Select this to embed a device in the main view.
Virtual Storage Window
[View and Create]
Refer and create Virtual Storage.
Copy Virtual Storage.
Maintenance virtual storage.
Thin Provisioning Pool monitor window
Displays the window that monitors Thin Provisioning Pool. Only one monitoring window can be displayed.
Returns to the login windows after closing the GUI window. The following windows are also closed: Performance Management, Relationship Management, Thin Provisioning Pool monitor, Capacity management. Note that if an icon was moved but its new position has not been saved, it returns to the old position at the next startup.
Change Device Management Name
Changes the device names managed in this software. Set a unique name for the devices managed in the administrative server. Device names that have already been registered cannot be specified.
Specify a maximum of 24 characters for the ETERNUS/GR disk array device name.
The name that is set for the ETERNUS/GR disk array device can also be used as the ETERNUS/GR name for SSF/Backup Facility (direct backup).
Change account for device management
Re-specify a user name and password for device management of this software. (This function is valid only when the icon of a device requiring a password for management is selected.)
Some devices managed by this software require users to log in to read or set device information.
Before this software obtains and sets information for such a device, the user name and password for logging in to the device as specified during device registration must be entered. Therefore, if the user name and password are changed after device registration, they must be set again for this software.
Enter a new user name and password in the dialog.
Performance management
This is used to control the starting and stopping of performance management for a device.
(This function is valid only when the icon of any the following is selected: device of the ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000 (except model 50), ETERNUS2000, GR720 or later, or Fibre Channel switch.)
For details, see "7.2 Flow of Performance Management".
Call management software
This is used to call Management Software from a device icon of this software. For the ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000, GR series, and Fibre Channel switches, the URL of the Management Software is called.
The devices that have the Management Software function can be set up for call linkage. The call linkage is set up for such a device from its Properties dialog. (This software supports both URL calls and direct command execution.)The telnet can be started from the Management Software by describing it by the following formats:
Example: telnet://connected-server-name (Or, connected-server-IP-address)
Access Path
Inheritance an access path.
Connect an access path. (Only when HBA or CA is selected)
Delete an access path. (Only when an access path is selected)
View Device
The Add View Device dialog appears, enabling selection of devices to be added to those displayed in this view. Select the device to be displayed, and move it to "Additional Device" by clicking the <>>Add> button. Clicking the <OK> button displays the view with the icon of the device registered in "Additional Device".
The Remove View Device dialog appears, enabling deletion of an icon from display in this view. (However, a device whose icon is deleted with this function is not deleted from this software.) From "Deletable Device," select the device whose icon is to be deleted, and move it to "Deleted Device" by clicking the <<<Delete> button. The icon of the selected device is deleted from the view when the <OK> button is clicked.
Provides one of the following view modes to be set for displaying the Map and/or List view:
[Map View] Select this to display only the Map view and remove the List view.
[List View] Select this to display only the List view and remove the Map view.
[Map/List View] Select this to display both the Map and List views concurrently.
Icon Size
Used to change the size of device views in the Map view.
[Normal] Select this to display the views at the normal size.
[Small] Select this to reduce the display size of the views. This makes it possible to display larger areas.
This is used to select the information to be displayed on the GUI window.
[Physical Connection] Controls the display of physical lines.
[Status Bar] Controls the display of the bar explaining the device status icon colors and the revolving light icon provided at the bottom of the screen.
[Event Log] Controls the display of the event log provided at the bottom of the screen.
[Overview] Controls the display of the Overview. The Overview function reduces the display of the entire system (all resources) in order to display it in another Overview window. The Overview changes the display size according to the size of the Overview window. The yellow frame in the Overview indicates the area displayed in the current Map view. Moving this frame in the Overview while holding down the left mouse button can change the display range of the Map view.
Refresh or [F5]
Obtains and displays the status of devices registered with this software via a LAN.
The processing time depends on the LAN status and the number of devices. Several tens of seconds may pass after execution until the status is displayed. The processing time thus becomes long especially if the LAN has an unrecognizable device, which causes several internal retries to be made for the device. It is recommended to delete devices not requiring management from this software.
Enables use of the option functions.
[Re-read Definition File] Loads a definition file. For more information about definition files, see "Appendix C Customization".
[Maximum number of event acquisition] Sets the number of events to be retrieved. Up to 1,000 events can be displayed. Event log data not displayed on the screen is stored in the file and can be referenced from other applications.
[System configuration] Sets the operating environment.
[Set Device Polling Time]: Used to change the interval at which monitoring is performed to check whether the device status has changed.
If the specified monitoring time is 10 seconds or less, status monitoring may not be reliable. If the monitoring time has been changed and is set to 10 seconds or less, check whether monitoring is in operation (event log information is updated normally).
This function can set resource management authority for each administrator.
Help or [F1]
Displays the user's guide.
Message Reference
Displays the message guide.
Event Reference
Displays the event guide.
Version Information
Select this to display the administrative client information, user information, the administrative server information, and Java virtual machine information. Selecting the refresh button frees the memory space used by this software.