ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

6.2.7 Show element

Displaying details (detail information) of device icons makes the Correlation window seem complicated because the number of elements becomes very large. For this reason, this software supports the show element function that provides a clearer Correlation window.

The show element function specifies whether to display the elements on each layer. Select [Element] - [Visible] from the menu bar in the Correlation window, or select [Visible] from the pop-up menu. The dialog box shown below on the left appears. In the dialog box, select the elements to be displayed. The following dialog box has the default displayed element settings when the server node is selected. All check boxes except those of MultiPath Driver (Slice) and Raw Device (Slice) are selected. The Correlation window displayed at this time is as shown below on the right.

AS shown below on the left, removing the check of check boxes of File System and Mirror Driver layers hides the selected layers as shown below on the right.

Likewise, you can check and uncheck any check boxes in the Show and Hide dialog to adjust the elements displayed in the window. Check box selection is disabled in cases where the minimum amount of information, such as an HBA (port) data, is displayed as required; and in such cases, the contents displayed cannot be controlled.

Settings of this check box are saved to the client. When all the same kind of Unit is selected in Reflection in the dialog of Layer Property, the settings are reflected in all the same kind of units. When only this Unit is selected, the settings are reflected only in the unit currently selected. It classifies it as homogeneous Units is sorted by OS for the seven node and by product name for the storage.