The End to End list is displayed at the bottom of the Correlation window when selecting [View] - [List] from the menu bar of Correlation window. The End to End list displays the list of correlated element. When the check on [View] - [List] from the menu bar of the Correlation window is removed, the End to End list becomes non-display. Default is non-display. When select the device and display Correlation Window, select "Related equipment is also displayed."(The display method) in a dialog of "Related management display check".
The display form of the list is different according to connected pattern of the access path. Therefore, select the tab to switch the display of End to End list. Connected pattern which can be displayed is as follows:
Access path connection between a HBA port and a CA port
Access path connection between a HBA port and other HBA port
Access path connection between a CA port and other CA port
Access path connection between a HBA port and a UnknownFC port
Access path connection between a CA port and a UnknownFC port
Access path connection between a Unknown port and other UnknownFC port
The tab of the list isn't display when the list does not exist. Moreover, End to End list isn't displayed when the all lists don't exist even if the [View] - [List] menu is checked. [List] menu of the menu bar is displayed in the gray.
Figure below is the End to End list of the system which connects the access path between the HBA port and the CA port and between the HBA port and the UnknownFC port. It is the example of the display when the tab between the HBA port and the CA port is selected.
Selecting [File] - [CSV preservation of a list] from the menu bar in the Correlation window saves the End to End list in a CSV file.
Selecting [Visible] from the header pop-up menu provides ON/OFF check boxes to turn visibility of items in the End to End list on or off. However, it cannot set all items invisibility. All items are saved when the list is saved to a CSV file, regardless of whether display or non-display is selected for items.