ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

4.1.2 Windows server node (host)

This software provides two methods for managing Windows hosts: one method installs Agent on the host, and the other does not.

When Agent is installed, the following functions can be implemented: the configuration data is automatically loaded from the server node; the line drawing for FC connection is performed; the system fault and status is monitored for Fujitsu's multipath disk control mechanism or msdsm (the multi path driver that is built into Windows operating system since Windows Server 2008 by the standard). Without Agent installed, the host can still be registered manually but status reading/access path setting/fault monitoring is disabled.


For information about the products that can be observed by Agent, see "10.5 Server Node Middleware that can be Managed".


If the PG-FC105 driver is reinstalled, or the PG-FC105 adapter and other option cards are added , reduced , or replaced, there may be entries for which "(Disconnected)" is displayed for "Emulex Configuration Tool". In this case, delete the entry according to the procedure shown below. If this entry is not deleted, invalid information may be displayed in the client window.

  1. Click [Start] - [Run].

  2. Enter "elxcfg" and then click the <OK> button.
    The Emulex Configuration Tool starts up, and the list of PG-FC105s loaded in the server nodes is displayed in Available Adapters. The example of the list that is displayed as follows:

    Emulex LP-9000 Adapter, Bus 1 Slot 7 (Present)
    Emulex LP-9000 Adapter, Bus 1 Slot 8 (Present)
  3. Select the entry for which "(Disconnected)" is displayed, click the [File] menu and select [Remove]. SNIA HBA API library settings

To manage the HBAs that are installed in Windows server nodes, the SNIA HBA API library that an HBA vendor distributes must be installed.

When PG-FC105 (Driver v5-2.13a4) is used

By installing a PG-FC105 driver, the SNIA HBA API library is installed.

PG-FC105 (other than Driver v5-2.13a4), PG-FC106, PG-FC107, PG-FC201, PG-FC202, PG-FCD201, Emulex Corporation LP9000, 9002L, 9802, 1050, 1050Ex

Install HBAnyware (SNIA HBA API) according to the user's guide for the HBA card or the driver's handbook.
If PG-FC202 or PG-FCD201 is used, change $INS_DIR\Agent\bin\HBAAPI.dll to another name (for example, HBAAPI.dll.bak).
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Agent installation.)
If HBAAPI.dll does not exist, file name change is not necessary.

PG-FCD101, PG-FCD102, QLA2340

Copy $INS_DIR\Agent\lib\HBAAPI.dll to $INS_DIR\Agent\bin\HBAAPI.dll.
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Agent installation.)
If the copy destination directory already contains the same file, the file need not be copied.

MC-08FC11, MC-08FC31, MC-08FC41, MC-08FC51, MC-08FC61, or MC-08FC71

Install HBAnyware (SNIA HBA API) by referring to the operation manual of the HBA card or the driver manual. N-port settings

To connect Emulex Corporation LP7000, 8000, 9000, 9002L, 9802, 1050, 1050Ex, to a Fibre Channel switch, N-port settings are required on the HBA side.

To make up a SAN by connecting Emulex Corporation LP7000, 8000, 9000, 9002L, 9802, 1050, 1050Ex to the fibre channel switch, use the driver parameter in the registry to indicate explicitly that the topology is an N-port. The following indicates the procedure for setting the topology in the driver parameter:

  1. Open the registry editor.

    Select [Start] - [Run...] from the task bar, and then execute the following:


  2. Open the keyword of the following registry key, and then set the Topology value to 1:

             "DriverParameter"      Topology=1

    • The DriverParameter value depends on the version of the driver used. The Topology word may not exist depending on the driver version. In this event, the Topology word must be added. For details, see the readme file supplied with the driver or contact the HBA vendor.

    • If the system accommodates more than one Emulex HBA and you want to connect them to Fibre Channel using different topologies, follow the above procedure for each HBA. For details, see the readme file supplied with the driver or contact the HBA vendor.

    • The procedure involves changing the registry contents. Take particular care when carrying out the procedure because, if any part of the registry becomes corrupted as a result of an operation mistake or an operation that is not in the procedure, restarting the Windows system may not be possible. Database monitoring settings

Note that database monitoring requires the following actions to be taken in advance:

Registering user information

Execute the defusr command, and register the user information necessary for database monitoring. For information about the defusr command, see " User information setting command (defusr)". For information about particulars specified in the defusr command, see descriptions of monitoring each database.

Monitoring Symfoware

Define the environment variables necessary for database access (for example, PATH) in the sstorageagt.conf file. For information about the sstorageagt.conf file, see "C.8 sstorageagt.conf Parameter". For information about the necessary environment variables, refer to the Symfoware manual. In order to use multiple RDBs, a Symfoware statement must be defined in the Correlation.ini parameter. For information about the Correlation.ini parameter, see "C.7 Correlation.ini Parameter". The registration of the user information by the defusr command is unnecessary.

Monitoring Oracle

The JDBC driver is used to access Oracle. In the sstorageagt.conf file, define an environment for using the JDBC driver, and specify the port number used for access in an Oracle statement in the Correlation.ini parameter. For information about the sstorageagt.conf file, see "C.8 sstorageagt.conf Parameter". For information about the Oracle statement in the Correlation.ini parameter, see "C.7 Correlation.ini Parameter". For information about definitions necessary for configuring the JDBC driver, refer to the Oracle manual. The key name of the defusr command must be assigned the instance name subject to configuration management.

Monitoring SQL Server

To access an instance with a name or to log in with SQL Server authentication, an SQLServer statement must be defined in the Correlation.ini parameter. For information about the Correlation.ini parameter, see "C.7 Correlation.ini Parameter". Although any key name can be specified for the defusr command, it must be identical with the key name described in the SQLServer statement in the Correlation.ini parameter.