ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager 運用手引書 テープバックアップ連携編 13.3 -Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000/Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003/Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008-, -Solaris-, -HP-UX-, -Linux-, -AIX- |
目次 索引 |
付録A バックアップ/リストア/テープコピーの前後処理 | > A.4 テープコピーの前後処理 |
“環境設定ディレクトリ”\etc\backup\scripts\TapeCopyPost.js |
<共有ディスク>:\etc\opt\swstorage\etc\backup\scripts\TapeCopyPost.js |
1 // AdvancedCopy Manager for Windows 2 // All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED, 2005-2006 3 // 4 // TapeCopyPost.js: Post-Processing Script for tape copy 5 // 6 // [Parameters] 7 // 1st argument: device name of backup volume 8 // 9 // [Return Values] 10 // 0: The script ended normally. 11 // 2: The number of the arguments is incorrect. 12 // 4: An error other than the above occurred. 13 14 try { 15 // create global objects 16 var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // create Shell object 17 var WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS"); // create Environment object 18 var fsObj = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // create FileSystemObject object 19 20 // create SwstTapeCopyPostProc object 21 var proc = new SwstTapeCopyPostProc(); 22 23 // do nothing if postprocessing file exists 24 if (fsObj.FileExists(proc.postFileName) == false) { 25 SwstQuit(0); 26 } 27 28 // get postprocessing type 29 var postProcType = proc.getPostProcData(proc.postFileName); 30 switch(postProcType) { 31 case "none": 32 proc.doNothing(); 33 break; 34 } 35 36 // clear temporary files 37 proc.deletePostFile(proc.postFileName); 38 SwstQuit(0); 39 } catch (e) { 40 SwstQuit(6); 41 } 42 43 function SwstTapeCopyPostProc() 44 { 45 // member variables 46 this.bvName = WScript.Arguments.length!=1?SwstQuit(1):WScript.Arguments.Item(0); // device name of transaction volume 47 this.postFileName = getDataPathName() + "\\" + getPutFileName(this.bvName) + ".pre"; // name of postprocessing file 48 49 // member functions 50 this.getPostProcData = getPostProcData; // self-explanatory 51 this.doNothing = doNothing; // self-explanatory 52 this.deletePostFile = deletePostFile; // self-explanatory 53 } 54 55 function getPostProcData(postfile) 56 { 57 var iomode = 1; // means read-only mode 58 var create = false; // means not to create a file 59 var postFileStream = fsObj.OpenTextFile(postfile, iomode, create); 60 var postData = postFileStream.ReadAll(); 61 postFileStream.Close(); 62 return postData; 63 } 64 65 function doNothing() 66 { 67 // do nothing 68 } 69 70 function deletePostFile(postfile) 71 { 72 if (fsObj.FileExists(postfile) == true) { 73 fsObj.DeleteFile(postfile); 74 } 75 } 76 77 function SwstQuit(exitStatus) 78 { 79 switch(exitStatus) { 80 case 0: 81 WScript.Quit(0); 82 case 1: 83 WScript.Echo("[Tape copy Postprocessing] The number of the arguments is incorrect."); 84 WScript.Quit(2); 85 default: 86 WScript.Echo("[Tape copy Postprocessing] The script exited abnormally."); 87 WScript.Quit(4); 88 } 89 } 90 91 function getDataPathName() 92 { 93 return WshShell.RegRead(getSetupInfoKey() + "\\etcPathName") + "\\etc\\backup\\data\\DEFAULT"; 94 } 95 96 function getSetupInfoKey() 97 { 98 var nodeName = WshEnv.Item("SWSTGNODE"); 99 if( nodeName != "" ){ 100 return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion\\" + nodeName; 101 } 102 return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion"; 103 } 104 105 function getPutFileName(deviceName){ 106 var fileName; 107 fileName = deviceName; 108 return(fileName); 109 } |
目次 索引 |