PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide 4.1 (for Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Appendix D Messages

D.4 Error Messages

If an error message is output, analyze the log of the time zone in which the message was output from the "/var/adm/messages" message to check if any other error message had been output before that. If you found another error message, you need to take corrective action for this error message first.


???? Message not found!!

Corrective action:

The text of the message that is correspondent to the message number is not available. Contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).


6000 An internal error occurred. (function:function detail :code1-code2-code3-code4)


An internal error occurred in the program. function, code1, code2, code3, and code4 indicate the debugging information for error diagnosis.

Corrective action:

Collect the debugging information. Then, contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). See "Troubleshooting."
code1, code2, code3, and code4 indicate the information that is required by your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).


6001 Insufficient memory. (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

One of the following could be the case:

Collect information required for troubleshooting. For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."
Reexamine the estimation of the memory resources that are required for the entire system. For information on the amount of memory required for cluster control, see the "PRIMECLUSTER Installation Guide," which is provided with each product.
If you still have the problem, confirm that the kernel parameter setting is correct by referring to the "CF Configuration."
Change the settings if necessary, and then reboot the system. If above actions do not help you solve the problem, contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).
code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.


6002 Insufficient disk or system resources. (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

One of the following could be the case:

Collect the information required for troubleshooting. For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."

Confirm that there is sufficient disk space to enable the operation of PRIMECLUSTER. If necessary, delete any unnecessary files to create sufficient free space and then restart the system. For information on the amount of required disk space, see the "PRIMECLUSTER Installation Guide," which is provided with each product.

If you still have the problem, confirm that the kernel parameter settings are correct by referring to the "CF Configuration" Change the settings if necessary, and then reboot the system.

If above actions do not help you solve the problem, contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).

code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.


6003 Error in option specification. (option:option)

Corrective action:

Specify the option correctly, and then re-execute the operation.

option indicates an option.


6004 No system administrator authority.

Corrective action:

Re-execute the process with system administrator's authority.


6006 Required option option must be specified.

Corrective action:

Specify the option, and then re-execute the operation.
option indicates an option.


6007 One of the required options (option) must be specified.

Corrective action:

Specify the option, and then re-execute the operation.
option indicates an option.


6008 If option option1 is specified, option option2 is required.


When option option1 is specified, option option2 is required.

Corrective action:

Specify the options correctly, and re-execute the operation.


6009 If option option1 is specified, option option2 cannot be specified.


Two options specified with the command conflict.

Corrective action:

Re-execute the command by specifying either one of the options.


6010 If any one of the options option1 is specified, option option2 cannot be specified.


If one of the options option1 is specified, option option2 cannot be specified.

Corrective action:

Specify the options correctly, and re-execute the operation.


6208 Access denied (target ).

Corrective action:

Collect debugging information and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."
target indicates a command name.


6602 The specified resource does not exist. (detail:code1-code2)


The specified resource does not exist. code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.

Corrective action:

Specify the resource correctly, and re-execute the operation.


6615 The cluster configuration management facility is not running.(detail:code1-code2 )

Corrective action:

Reboot the node on which this message is displayed and then reactivate the resource database. If this message appears again, collect debugging information and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."

code1 and code2 indicate the debugging information required for your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).


6616 Cluster configuration management facility: error in the communication routine.(detail:code1-code2 )

Corrective action:

Collect debugging information, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."
code1 and code2 indicate the debugging information required for your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE).


6617 The specified state transition procedure file does not exist.

Corrective action:

Specify the state transition procedure file correctly, and then re-execute.
If the problem cannot be solved with this corrective action, collect debugging information and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on collecting debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."


6618 The state transition procedure file could not be written. A state transition procedure file with the same name already exists.

Corrective action:

To overwrite the state transition procedure file, specify the "-o" option and then re-execute.


6619 The state transition procedure file could not be written. There was an error in the resource class specification.

Corrective action:

Specify the resource class correctly, and then re-execute. The available resource classes are file names under /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/classes.
Confirm that the character string specified as the resource class contains no errors.


6621 Could not perform file operation on state transition procedure file. (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

If the problem cannot be solved even by applying with the corrective actions, collect debugging information and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."

code1 indicates debugging information while code2 indicates error number.


6623 Cannot delete the specified state transition procedure file.

Corrective action:

You can delete only the state transition procedure file that was defined by a user. For information on how to delete it, refer to the manual of the product that provides the state transition procedure file.


6624 The specified resource does not exist in cluster service. (resource:resource rid:rid)

Corrective action:

A procedure resource that is registered to the cluster application is not in the resource database. This message is not output if the cluster application was registered by using the userApplication Configuration Wizard(GUI) and executing the "hvw(1M)" command. However, if this occurs, collect debugging information and contact your Fujitsu system engineer. For details on collecting debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."

If hvw(1M) was used to register the procedure resource to the cluster application by FREECHOICE, check that the procedure resource displayed in the message text is not registered to the resource database by executing the "clgettree(1)" command. For details on the "clgettree(1)" command, see the manual page for clgettree(1M).
If the procedure resource is not registered to the resource database, register the procedure resource displayed in the message to the resource database. See "PRIMECLUSTER Products, "

If the procedure resource is registered to the resource database, collect debugging information and contact your Fujitsu system engineer. For details on collecting debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."

Resource indicates the resource name that is not registered to the resource database, and rid indicates the resource ID of the resource that is not registered to the resource database.


6651 The specified instruction contains an error.


This message will not be displayed on a client system on which a browser is active. This message is displayed on the standard output when you respond to the operator intervention message with the CLI command (clreply). If a string other than yes or no is to be entered, this message will be displayed.

Corrective action:

Specify the option correctly, and then re-execute the processing.


6655 Use the absolute path to specify the option (option).


Specify the option option with the absolute path name.

Corrective action:

Specify the option correctly, and re-execute the operation.


6657 The specified resource is not being monitored. (detail:code)


The specified resource is not being monitored. code represents debugging information.

Corrective action:

No action is necessary.


6658 The specified process does not exist. (pid:pid)


The specified process does not exist. pid represents the process ID of the specified process.

Corrective action:

Specify the process ID correctly, and re-execute the operation.


6659 The specified command does not exist. (command:command)


The specified command does not exist. command represents the specified command.

Corrective action:

Specify the command with a full path name, and then re-execute the operation.


6662 A timeout occurred in process termination. (detail:code1-code2)


The process did not terminate within the termination wait time of the process.

code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.

Corrective action:

Search for a cause. For information on the investigation, contact the creator of the process.


6680 The specified directory does not exist.

Corrective action:

Specify a correct directory, and then re-execute.


6690 The specified userApplication or resource is not monitored. ( resource )

Corrective action:

userApplication or the resource is not registered as it is monitored by the patrol diagnosis.

Reexamine the configuration of the patrol diagnosis by referring to "Setting Up Patrol Diagnosis."
The specified userApplication or resource will be output to resource.


6691 The userApplication cannot do the patrol monitoring because of status .

Corrective action:

Specify userApplication that is in the following state, and then re-execute:

    Standby, Offline, Faulted, Deact

The state of userApplication will be output to status.


6692 Patrol monitoring timed out.

Corrective action:

Confirm that power is being supplied to the node on which patrol is enabled. Power on the node if necessary, and then re-execute.
Confirm that RMS is activated.
If RMS is not activated, start the RMS with Cluster Admin or the "hvcm(1M)" command and then re-execute operation.


6750 A resource has failed. SysNode:SysNode userApplication:userApplication Resorce:resource

Corrective action:

Confirm the state of userApplication in which the corrected resource is registered by using the RMS main window or executing the "hvdisp(1M)" command. You can also confirm the userApplication state by responding to the operator intervention message that is displayed after RMS is started. If userApplication is Faulted, you need to clear the Fault by using the RMS main window or specifying the "-c" option of the "hvutil(1M)" command.
SysNode indicates the name of SysNode in which a resource has failed. userApplication indicates the name of userApplication to which the failed resource belongs. resource indicates the name of the resource that has failed.


6751 A SysNode has failed. SysNode:SysNode

Corrective action:

Respond to the operator intervention message that is displayed after the node is started or confirm the state of userApplication running on the node in which the failure occurred, by using the RMS main window or executing the "hvdisp(1M)" command. If userApplication is Faulted, you need to clear the Fault by using the RMS main window or specifying the "-c" option of the "hvutil(1M)" command.
SysNode indicates the SysNode in which a failure occurred.


6752 The processing was canceled due to the following error.
Error message from RMS command


If you execute the RMS command (hvdisp) to enable the history function for the failed resource or the operation intervention function, and this fails, an error message will be displayed. Examine this error message and, after taking an appropriate correction, execute the required processing again.

Corrective action:

Confirm the contents of this message and, after taking the required corrective action, re-execute the processing.


6753 Failed to process the operator intervention message due to the following error.(message number:number response:action command :command)
Error message from RMS command


Since the RMS command ended abnormally, the operator intervention function for the message failed.

Corrective action:

Note the contents of this message and, after applying an appropriate correction, re-execute the required processing.
number indicates the operator intervention message for which processing failed. action indicates the first response to the message from the operator with either yes or no. command indicates the RMS command which ended abnormally. "Error message from RMS command" indicates an error message that the RMS command transmits when a standard error occurs.


6754 The specified message number ( number ) does not exist.

Corrective action:

number indicates the number of operator intervention messages.


6755 Failed to respond to the operator intervention message due to the SysNode ( SysNode) stop.(message number:number response : action}


Since the node indicated by SysNode has stopped, the response to the operator intervention message failed.

Corrective action:

Reboot the node, and then confirm that RMS is running.

SysNode indicates the SysNode name of the node that is stopped. number indicates the number of the operator intervention messages that failed to respond. action indicates the operator's response by yes or no.


6780 Cannot request to the process monitoring daemon.


The "clmonproc" command failed to request start or stop monitoring of the process monitoring function.

Corrective action:

The daemon process for the process monitoring function might not be running. Check the "prmd" process by executing the "ps" command. If the "prmd" process does not exist, execute /etc/init.d/clprmd start to recover the process. If the "prmd" process exists, execute /etc/init.d/clprmd stop and then /etc/init.d/clprmd start, to recover the process.


6781 The process (appli) cannot be monitored because the process hasn't made a process group at starting.


A process to be monitored by specifying the "-g" option in the "clmonproc" command must satisfy the condition "process ends immediately after descendent processes are generated." However, the parent process did not end even after the specified time (default 10 seconds) elapsed after the process was started. If the system continues to monitor the process in this condition, the load on the system is getting high, so the process was removed from the processes to be monitored by the process monitoring function.
appli indicates the absolute path name of the monitored process.

Corrective action:

Take one of the following actions:

  1. Do not monitor descendent processes. Do not specify the "-g" option in the "clmonproc" command.
  2. If the monitored process can be changed, do not change the process group in the descendent processes, and do not specify the "-g" option in the "clmonproc" command.
  3. If processes were generated, end the parent process immediately. Set up the process so that the first child process that is generated becomes the process leader immediately after it operates.


6782 The process(appli) was not able to be executed. (errno:error)


The command that was specified with the "-a" option of the "clmonproc" command could not be executed.
appli indicates the absolute path name of the process that has failed startup. error indicates the detailed code.

Corrective action:

Check whether the command that was specified with the "-a" option of the "clmonproc" command can be executed. Execute the command, and check whether an error occurs. If this message is output again even if the command could be executed, contact your Fujitsu system engineer (SE).

Since errno is output as a detail code, the Fujitsu SE should investigate the cause from this message information. For example, if errno is 13 (EACCES), the most likely cause is that the command path that was specified in the "-a" option of the "clmonproc" command does not have execute permission.


6807 Disk device (NodeID NodeID , disk ) cannot be detected.


The power to the disk unit may not be turned on or the disk may be disconnected. If an attempt is made to start userApplication, userApplication may not start normally.

Two messages, namely, this message and that of message number 6836 may be displayed depending on connection.

Corrective action:

Confirm that the power to the shared disk device is turned on and that the shared disk device is connected correctly. If power is not being supplied to the shared disk device, stop the node, turn on the power to the shared disk device, and then boot the node. If the connection of the shared disk device is incorrect, stop the node, rectify the connection, and then boot the node.
NodeID indicates the identification number of the node to which the disk unit was connected while disk indicates the shared disk that could not be detected.


6817 An error occurred during state transition procedure execution. (error procedure:procedure detail:code1-code2-code3-code4-code5-code6-code7)

Corrective action:

Collect debugging information and contact your Fujitsu system engineer. For details on collecting debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."

procedure indicates the state transition procedure in which the error occurred. If the state transition procedure indicated by procedure was created, see the subsequent information, and correct the state transition procedure.

code1, code2, code3, code4, code5, and code6 indicate the state transition instruction that resulted in an error. code7 represents debugging information.

code1: the first argument (state transition instruction type)
code2: the second argument (cluster service instance type)
code3: the third argument (state transition instruction timing)
code4: the fourth argument (resource ID)
code5: the fifth argument (state transition event type)
code6: the sixth argument (state transition event detail)

error indicates the error cause. The error causes include the following:

If the problem is not resolved by the above action, contact your Fujitsu system engineer.


6836 The disk device (NodeID NodeID , disk ) has changed.


The wiring of the shared disk device could be incorrect. If an attempt is made to launch the userApplication in the current state, userApplication may not start up normally.
Two messages, namely, this message and that of message number 6807 may be displayed depending on connection.

Corrective action:

Confirm that the shared disk device is connected correctly. If the connection is incorrect, stop the node, correct the connection, and then boot the node.
NodeID indicates the node identification number to which the shared disk device is connected while disk indicates the shared disk in which an error has been detected.


7050 Diagnostic access to LAN device failed. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Take corrective action by referring to "Corrective Action when Patrol Diagnosis Detects a Fault."
The interface name of the LAN device for which a failure is diagnosed is output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate the information required for debugging.


7051 Diagnostic access to LAN device terminated abnormally. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Collect debugging information, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."
An interface name of the LAN device for which a failure is diagnosed is output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate debugging information.


7052 Diagnostic access to DISK device failed. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Take corrective action by referring to "Corrective Action when Patrol Diagnosis Detects a Fault."
A device name for which a failure is diagnosed is output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate debugging information.


7053 Diagnostic access to DISK device terminated abnormally. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Collect debugging information, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."
A shared device name for which a failure is diagnosed is output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate debugging information.


7054 Cannot open shared disk device for diagnostic access. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Specify the available hardware in which patrol diagnosis is enabled. See "Setting Up Patrol Diagnosis."

The device name that could not found can be output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate debugging information.


7055 Cannot open LAN device for diagnostic access. (node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

Specify the available hardware in which patrol diagnosis is enabled. See "Setting Up Patrol Diagnosis."

The interface name of the LAN device that could not be found can be output with altname. node, rid, and code indicate debugging information.


7056 Diagnostic access to LAN device failed due to improper activation flag setting.(node:node device:altname rid:rid detail:code )

Corrective action:

The flag used when the LAN device is activated is in the inadequate state such as not UP and not BROADCAST. After confirming the system configuration, activate the device correctly. Confirm the flag by executing the "ifconfig(1M)" command.

The network device name, which is in the inadequate state, can be output with altname. node, rid, and code indicates debugging information.


7101 SCF cannot be accessed because it is in the busy state. (type:type)

Corrective action:

Leave the operation undone for several minutes, and then re-execute accessing.
type indicates information for research.


7102 SCF open failed. (errno:errno)

Corrective action:

Contact your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE) to check whether the SCF is operating normally.
errno indicates an error number.


7103 SCF access failed. (errno:errno)

Corrective action:

Contact your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE) to check whether the SCF is operating normally.

errno indicates an error number.


7104 The subclass of the line switching unit cannot be identified. (RCI:addr Subclass:no)

Corrective action:

A line switching unit whose subclass cannot be identified is connected.

Confirm if the line switching unit is a supported product.


7105 The specified line switching unit does not exist. (RCI:addr)

Corrective action:

No line switching unit that is specified with the RCI address exists.
Confirm with your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE) whether the RCI address of the specified line switching unit is correct or it is connected.

addr indicates an RCI address.


7106 The power to the line switching unit is not on, or the RCI cable has been disconnected. (RCI:addr)

Corrective action:

Confirm if the power of the specified line switching unit is turned on and that the RCI cable is not disconnected.
addr indicates the RCI address of the line switching unit.


7108 Reservation of the line switching device failed. (RCI:addr LSU:mask retry:no)

Corrective action:

Although no times of attempts were made to reserve the switching unit, which was specified with mask of the line switching unit that was specified with RCI address (addr), reservation failed.
Check whether the line switching unit has failed, whether the RCI connection has an error, and whether the power-supply voltage is abnormal. If errors occur frequently, contact your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE).
addr indicates the RCI address of the line switching unit, while mask indicates a mask that represents a switching unit of the line switching unit and no indicates the retry count until an error is displayed.

Maintenance information (for system administrators)

Determine whether the specified line switching unit has an error.


7109 An error was detected in the switching control board of the line switching unit. (RCI:addr status:status type:type)

Corrective action:

An error was detected in the switching control board of the line switching unit.

addr: Indicates the RCI address of the line switching unit in which an error was detected.

status: Indicates the internal status of the line switching unit by error type.

type: Indicates the error type.

Check whether the line switching unit has a failure, if the RCI connection has an error, or whether the power-supply voltage is abnormal. If these errors occur frequently, contact your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE).

Maintenance information (for system administrators)

Check whether the specified line switching unit has an error.


7110 An error was detected in the switching unit of the line switching unit. (RCI:addr LSU:mask status:status type:type)

Corrective action:

An error was detected in the switching unit of the line switching unit.

addr: Indicates an RCI address of the line switching unit in to be controlled.

mask: Indicates an LSU mask which is the target of control

status: Indicates the internal status of the line switching unit by error type (for research).

type: Indicates an error type.

Check whether the line switching unit has a failure, if the RCI connection has an error, or if the power-supply voltage is abnormal. If these errors occur frequently, contact your Fujitsu customer engineer (CE).

Maintenance information (for system administrators)

Check whether the specified line switching unit has an error.


7111 The cluster event control facility is not running. (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

Collect information for troubleshooting for all nodes, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."

Reboot the node in which the error occurred. If you need to stop the node, execute the "shutdown(1M)" command.

code1 and code2 indicate information items for diagnosis.


7112 Communication failed in the cluster event control facility (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

Collect information for troubleshooting for all nodes, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect information, see "Troubleshooting."

Reboot the node in which an error occurred. If you need to stop the node, execute the "shutdown(1M)" command.

code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.


7113 Cluster event control facility: internal error. (detail:code1-code2)

Corrective action:

Copy this message, collect debugging information, and then contact your Fujitsu systems engineer (SE). For details on how to collect debugging information, see "Troubleshooting."

After collecting debugging information from all nodes, reboot the node in which the error occurred. To reboot the node, use the shutdown(1M) command.

code1 and code2 indicate the information required for troubleshooting.


7116 Port number information is not set for resource SWLine. (rid:rid)

Corrective action:

Set the port number attribute (port) of the line switching unit used for the resource SWLine.

rid indicates the resource ID of SWLine in the line switching unit.


7117 The port number specified for resource SWLine is incorrect. (rid:rid port:port)

Corrective action:

Set up the correct port number.
rid indicates the resource ID of the SWLine in the line switching unit while port indicates a port number.


7119 The LSU mask information has not been set for the shared resource SH_SWLine. (rid:rid)

Corrective action:

Set up the mask (Isu_mask) attribute of the switching unit used for the shared resource SH_SWLine.
rid indicates the resource ID of the shared resource SH_SWLine in the line switching unit.


7121 The parent resource of the shared resource SH_SWLine is other than shared resource SH_SWU. (rid:rid)

Corrective action:

Re-create the shared resource SH_SWLine as a child resource of shared resource SH_SWU.

rid indicates the resource ID of the shared resource SH_SWLine in the line switching unit.


7122 The RCI address information has not been set for shared resource SH_SWU. (rid:rid)

Corrective action:

Set up the RCI address attribute (addr) of the line switching unit used for the shared resource SH_SWU.
rid indicates the resource ID of the shared resource SH_SWLine in the line switching unit.


7125 The resource ID of the node connected to the specified port no (rid: rid) is incorrect.

Corrective action:

For the resource ID of the node that is connected to the specified port of the line switching unit, an incorrect resource ID of other than a node or nonexistent resource ID is specified. Set up the correct resource ID.
no indicates a port number in the line switching unit while rid indicates the resource ID.


7126 The resource ID (rid) of the same node is specified for ports 0 and 1.

Corrective action:

The same resource ID cannot be specified for port 0 and port 1 in the line switching unit. The same node cannot be specified as the operating and standby node.
Set up the correct resource ID of the node.
rid indicates the resource ID of the specified node.


7130 The specified resource ID (rid) cannot be deleted because it is being used.

Corrective action:

The specified resource ID cannot be deleted because it has been used for GDS
Confirm the resource ID to be deleted, and then set up the correct resource ID.
rid indicates the resource ID.


7131 The specified resource ID (rid) is not present in the shared resource class (class).

Corrective action:

Set up the correct resource ID.
rid indicates a resource ID while class indicates the class name of the shared resource class.


7132 The specified resource name (name) is not present in the shared resource class (class).

Corrective action:

Set up the correct resource ID.
name indicates a resource name while class indicates the class name of the shared resource class.

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