PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide 4.1 (for Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Part 2 Installation> Chapter 4 Preparation Prior to Building a Cluster

4.2 Setting Up the Operating System Console

In the PRIMECLUSTER system, it is recommended that XON/XOFF flow control of the operating system console be disenabled.

In the environment immediately after the Solaris is installed, XON/XOFF flow control is enabled for console messages that are output from the operating system.

Although this setting allows you to stop screen display by pressing the [Ctrl] + [S], it might affect the system by disturbing ongoing operations in the event of a console failure.

To avoid this, you need to disable XON/XOFF flow control for output from the server to the console terminal.

Change the settings in the server and the terminal (remote console connection unit) according to the procedure described below.

mark2Operation Procedure:

  1. Setting up the server

    Take the following steps on all servers in the cluster system.

    1. Log in using a system administrator access privilege.
    2. Edit the "/etc/ttydefs" file.

      Change all lines that begin with "console:" to the following:

      console:9600 hupcl opost onlcr -ixon:9600::console
    3. Restart the machine.
      # shutdown -g0 -i6 -y
  2. Setting the remote console connection unit

    If a remote console connection unit (RCCU) is connected to each server in the cluster system, perform the following.

    1. Log into the RCCU.
      % telnet <RCCU-IP-address> 8010   <-- Enter "telnet RCCU-IP-address 8010" 
                                               and press the [Return] key
      Trying <RCCU-IP-address>... 
      Connected to <RCCU-IP-address>. 
      Escape character is '^]'.
      login :somebody <-- Enter "somebody" and press the [Return] key
      passwd: <-- Press the [Return] key
      cs >su <-- Enter "su" and press the [Return] key
      passwd: <-- Press the [Return] key
    2. Edit the rs232c.def file.
      # edit rs232c.def <-- Enter "edit rs232c.def" and press the [Return] key
      0001 # 
      Press the [N] key 5 times.
      0002 baud 9600
      0003 parity none
      0004 stop 1
      0005 bitchar 8 
      0006 flow xon 
      Press the [C] key.
      0006> flow xon 
      0006< flow rxon <-- Enter "flow rxon" and press the [Return] key
      0006 flow rxon 
      Press the [E] key.
      # write <-- Enter "write" and press the [Return] key
      writing configuration to flash ROM . done. 
    3. Reboot the RCCU.
      # reboot               <-- Enter "reboot" and press the [Return] key 
      Do you really want to reboot [y/n] ? y    <-- Enter "y" and 
                                                           press the [Return] key
  3. Confirmation of modified settings

    Log in again to the console of each server. While executing the command such as "ls -l", press [Ctrl] + [S] and check that the output does not stop.
    If the data output stops, review the settings for Step 1 and Step 2 again.

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