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第3部 SDK編> 第5章 アプリケーション開発環境(LDAP C API)> 5.5 サンプルプログラム> 5.5.3 サンプルプログラムの紹介 同期型のエントリ変更




   * Copyright (c) 2001. Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved.
   * Modify entry in the directory.
  #include    <sys/types.h>
  #include    <stdio.h>
  #include    <stdlib.h>
  #include    <string.h>
  #if defined(unix)
  #include    <time.h>
  #elif defined(_WIN32)
  #include    <winsock.h>
  #include    "examples.h"
  char    *host    = "localhost";
  int     port     = LDAP_PORT;
  char    *binddn  = "cn=admin,o=Fujitsu,c=JP";
  char    *passwd  = "admin123";
  char    *mod_dn  = "cn=富士通 太郎,o=Fujitsu,c=JP";
  int main( int argc, char **argv )
      LDAP             *ld;
      LDAPMod          mod0;
      LDAPMod          mod1;
      LDAPMod          *mods[ 3 ];
      char             *vals0[ 2 ];
      char             *vals1[ 2 ];
      struct berval    **utf_vals1;
      time_t           now;
      char             buf[ 128 ];
      int              optdata;
      int              errcode;
      char             *errmsg;
      char             *mached;
      int              rtn;  
      char             *utf_mod_dn;
      extern char      *host;
      extern int       port;
      extern char      *binddn;
      extern char      *passwd;
      extern char      *mod_dn;
      printf( "%s is start\n", argv[0] );
      /* get a handle to an LDAP connection */
      printf( "%s: ldap_init( \"%s\", %d )\n", argv[0], host, port );
      ld = ldap_init( host, port );
      if ( ld == NULL ) {
          perror( "ldap_init" );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 ); 
      /* set option ( LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ) */
      optdata = LDAP_VERSION3;
      printf( "%s: ldap_set_option( LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, %d )\n",argv[0],optdata);
      rtn = ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (void *)(&optdata));
      if ( rtn != 0 ) {
          do_error_msg( "ldap_set_option", rtn, NULL, NULL );
          do_unbind( ld, argv );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 );
      /* simple authenticate */
      printf( "%s: ldap_simple_bind_s( \"%s\", \"******\" )\n", argv[0],binddn );
      rtn = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, binddn, passwd );
      if ( rtn != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
          do_error_msg( "ldap_simple_bind_s", rtn, NULL, NULL );
          do_unbind( ld, argv );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 );
      /* construct the list of modifications to make */
      vals0[0] = "";
      vals0[1] = NULL;
      mod0.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
      mod0.mod_type = "mail";
      mod0.mod_values = vals0;
      time( &now );
      sprintf( buf, "このエントリは、jp_modattrsプログラムによって変更されました。%s", ctime(&now ));  
      /* Get rid of \n which ctime put on the end of the time string */
      if ( buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] == '\n' ) {
          buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
      vals1[ 0 ] = buf;
      vals1[ 1 ] = NULL;
      rtn = do_conv_values( vals1, &utf_vals1, LDAP_CHARS_OPT_SJIS,LDAP_CHARS_OPT_UTF8);
      if ( rtn == -1 ) {
          do_unbind( ld, argv );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 );
      else {
          mod1.mod_op = (LDAP_MOD_BVALUES | LDAP_MOD_ADD);
          mod1.mod_type = "description";
          mod1.mod_bvalues = utf_vals1;
      mods[ 0 ] = &mod0;
      mods[ 1 ] = &mod1;
      mods[ 2 ] = NULL;
      /* make the change */
      rtn = ldap_conv_utf( mod_dn, &utf_mod_dn,LDAP_CHARS_OPT_SJIS,LDAP_CHARS_OPT_UTF8);
      if ( rtn == -1 ) {
          perror( "ldap_conv_utf" );
          do_unbind( ld, argv );
          ldap_value_free_len( utf_vals1 );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 );
      printf( "%s: ldap_modify_s( \"%s\", ****** )\n", argv[0], mod_dn );
      rtn = ldap_modify_s( ld, utf_mod_dn, mods );
      if ( rtn != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
          do_error_msg( "ldap_modify_s", rtn, NULL, NULL );
          do_unbind( ld, argv );
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );
          exit( 1 );
      do_unbind( ld, argv );
      ldap_value_free_len( utf_vals1 );
      printf( "%s is normal end\n", argv[0] );
      return( 0 );

目次 索引 前ページ次ページ

All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) 富士通株式会社 2004