ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGESコマンドは、継承をしていないロールのデフォルト権限の変更ができなくなりました。
postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_2 LOGIN NOINHERIT; CREATE ROLE postgres=# GRANT role_1 TO role_2; GRANT ROLE postgres=# \c postgres role_2; You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "role_2". postgres=> ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE role_1 GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO PUBLIC; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES
postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_2 LOGIN NOINHERIT; CREATE ROLE postgres=# GRANT role_1 TO role_2; GRANT ROLE postgres=# \c postgres role_2; You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "role_2". postgres=> ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE role_1 GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO PUBLIC; ERROR: permission denied to change default privileges