ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9A Operation Guide

C.2.4 Customizing Shell Script

The method to customize the shell script for replication pre/post-processing is explained below.

When Replication Target Is Volume Group

When replicating a file system which is part of a logical volume in a volume group, the processing scripts need to be modified as follows:

After making the necessary corrections to the script, convert the exit statements on line 60 of the source volume pre-processing script and line 64 of the destination volume pre-processing script (RepDst.pre) into comments ("#").

If the volume group to be replicated includes a logical volume for which no file system has been built, make the above corrections and then convert the statements on lines 212 to 217 of the destination volume post-processing script ( into comments ("#").


  • Note that unmount/mount processing to a volume group is not carried out if the scripts have not been customized.

  • Modify the parameters and options of the OS commands (such as the "mount" command and the "fsck" command), appropriately for their use.

  • If the operation involves activation of the destination volume group, the destination volume post-processing script rewrites (recreatevg) the LVM management information. This processing may take a long time.