stgcmmodnode - changes or displays Management Server information
/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgcmmodnode [-i ipAddress] [-p portNumber] [-n serverName]
This command has the following two functions:
Displays Management Server information specified on the Managed Server on which this command is currently executed
Changes Management Server information.
This command changes the following information on a Management Server:
IP address of a Management Server
PORT number used by a communication daemon that runs on a Management Server
Server name of a Management Server
Refer to the following for the change procedure which uses this command:
Displays the server information currently being managed.
Specifies the IP address of a Management Server, to change the IP address of the Management Server.
Specifies the port number of a Management Server, to change the port number of the Management Server.
Specifies the server name of a Management Server to change the server name of the Management Server. This option cannot be specified if this command is executed on a Management Server.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
Display server information:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgcmmodnode swstf2413 IP Address = swstf2413 PORT Number = 1226 swstf2413 Storage Management Server's Name = fujitsu-storage-management-server #
Change the IP address of a Management Server to
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgcmmodnode -i swstf2401 Storage Management Server registry updated. #
This command can be executed only by root users.
For the port number of a Management Server, you can specify a value between 1024 and 65535.
With this command, you must specify the same value as the one specified on a Management Server. An error occurs in the operation if an invalid value is specified.
To execute this command, the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons must be stopped.
After successful execution, you must restart the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons.