Change the IP address of a Managed Server as follows:
When the Storage Cruiser's agent has been installed on a Managed Server
On the target Managed Server, stop the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons. For more information on stopping daemons, refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons".
On the target Managed Server, stop the Storage Cruiser's agent daemon. Refer to "Starting and Stopping Agent" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide for information on how to stop it.
On the target Managed Server, change the system IP address.
On the target Managed Server, restart the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons. For more information on starting a daemons, refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons".
Refer to "setagtip (Agent Information Change Command)" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide to change the Storage Cruiser agent's starting IP address.
On the target Managed Server, start the Storage Cruiser's agent daemon. Refer to "Starting and Stopping Agent" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide for information on how to start it.
Refer to "Change Server Information" in the Web Console Guide and change the IP address information.
When the Storage Cruiser's agent has not been installed on the Managed Server
On the target Managed Server, stop the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons. For more information on stopping daemons, refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons".
On the target Managed Server, change the system IP address.
On the target Managed Server, start the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons. For more information on stopping daemons, refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons".
When AdvancedCopy Manager is being operated using Web Console, refer to "Change Server Information" in the Web Console Guide and change the IP address information. When AdvancedCopy Manager is being operated using only Command Line Interface, after creating a server information change instruction file with the Management Server, execute the stgxfwcmmodsrv command with the -f option and change the IP address. When using the replication management function, execute the swsrprecoverres command with the -r option and the -h option on the Management Server. Specify the server name of the Managed Server running the replication operation with the -h option.