PostgreSQLの データ型 | 標準.NET データ型 | 非標準.NET |
boolean | bool | |
smallint | short | byte, sbyte, int, long, float, double, decimal |
integer | int | byte, short, long, float, double, decimal |
bigint | long | long, byte, short, int, float, double, decimal |
real | float | double |
double precision | double | |
numeric | decimal | byte, short, int, long, float, double, BigInteger |
money | decimal | |
text | string | char[] |
character varying | string | char[] |
character | string | char[] |
national character varying | string | char[] |
national character | string | char[] |
citext | string | char[] |
json | string | char[] |
jsonb | string | char[] |
xml | string | char[] |
uuid | Guid | |
bytea | byte[] | |
timestamp without time zone | DateTime (Unspecified) | |
timestamp with time zone | DateTime (Utc)(注1) | DateTimeOffset (Offset=0)(注2) |
date | DateTime | DateOnly |
time without time zone | TimeSpan | TimeOnly |
time with time zone | DateTimeOffset | |
interval | TimeSpan(注3) | NpgsqlInterval |
cidr | (IPAddress, int) | NpgsqlInet |
inet | IPAddress | NpgsqlInet, (IPAddress, int) |
macaddr | PhysicalAddress | |
tsquery | NpgsqlTsQuery | |
tsvector | NpgsqlTsVector | |
bit(1) | bool | BitArray |
bit(n) | BitArray | |
bit varying | BitArray | |
point | NpgsqlPoint | |
lseg | NpgsqlLSeg | |
path | NpgsqlPath | |
polygon | NpgsqlPolygon | byte, sbyte, int, long, float, double, decimal |
line | NpgsqlLine | |
circle | NpgsqlCircle | |
box | NpgsqlBox | |
hstore | Dictionary<string, string> | |
oid | uint | |
xid | uint | |
cid | uint | |
oidvector | uint[] | |
name | string | char[] |
(internal) char | char | byte, short, int, long |
geometry (PostGIS) | PostgisGeometry | |
record | object[] | |
composite types | T | |
range types | NpgsqlRange<TElement> | |
multirange types (PG14) | NpgsqlRange<TElement>[] | |
enum types | TEnum | |
array types | Array (of element type) |
注1) Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehaviorが有効な場合、timestamp with time zoneを読み込むとUtcではなくLocal DateTimeが返されます。
注2) Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehaviorが有効な場合、timestamp with time zoneをDateTimeOffsetとして読み込むと、Npgsqlが実行されているサーバーのタイムゾーンに基づいたローカルオフセットが返されます。
注3) PostgreSQLのintervalのうち、月または年の要素を持つものはTimeSpanとして読み込むことができません。NodaTimeのPeriodタイプ、またはNpgsqlIntervalの使用を検討してください。
PostgreSQLの データ型 | 標準.NET データ型 | 非標準.NET データ型 | NpgsqlDbType | DbType |
boolean | bool | Boolean | Boolean | |
smallint | short, byte, sbyte | Smallint | Int16 | |
integer | int | Integer | Int32 | |
bigint | long | Bigint | Int64 | |
real | float | Real | Single | |
double precision | double | Double | Double | |
numeric | decimal, BigInteger | Numeric | Decimal, VarNumeric | |
money | decimal | Money | Currency | |
text | string, char[], char | Text | String, StringFixedLength, AnsiString, AnsiStringFixedLength | |
character varying | string, char[], char | Varchar | ||
character | string, char[], char | Char | ||
citext | string, char[], char | Citext | ||
json | string, char[], char | Json | ||
jsonb | string, char[], char | Jsonb | ||
xml | string, char[], char | Xml | ||
uuid | Guid | Uuid | ||
bytea | byte[] | ArraySegment<byte> | Bytea | Binary |
timestamp without time zone | DateTime (Utc)(注1), DateTimeOffset | TimestampTz | DateTime(注2), DateTimeOffset | |
timestamp with time zone | DateTime (Local/Unspecified)(注1) | Timestamp | DateTime2 | |
date | DateOnly | DateTime | Date | Date |
time without time zone | TimeOnly | TimeSpan | Time | Time |
time with time zone | DateTimeOffset | TimeTz | ||
interval | TimeSpan | NpgsqlInterval | Interval | |
cidr | ValueTuple<IPAddress, int>, IPAddress | Cidr | ||
inet | IPAddress | ValueTuple<IPAddress, int> | Inet | |
macaddr | PhysicalAddress | MacAddr | ||
tsquery | NpgsqlTsQuery | TsQuery | ||
tsvector | NpgsqlTsVector | TsVector | ||
bit | bool, BitArray, string | Bit | ||
bit varying | BitArray | bool, BitArray, string | Varbit | |
point | NpgsqlPoint | Point | ||
lseg | NpgsqlLSeg | LSeg | ||
path | NpgsqlPath | Path | ||
polygon | NpgsqlPolygon | Polygon | ||
line | NpgsqlLine | Line | ||
circle | NpgsqlCircle | Circle | ||
box | NpgsqlBox | Box | ||
hstore | IDictionary<string, string> | Hstore | ||
oid | uint | Oid | ||
xid | uint | Xid | ||
cid | uint | Cid | ||
oidvector | uint[] | Oidvector | ||
name | string, char[], char | Name | ||
(internal) char | byte | InternalChar | ||
composite types | Pre-mapped type | Composite | ||
range types | NpgsqlRange<TSubtype> | Range | NpgsqlDbType | ||
enum types | Pre-mapped type | Enum | ||
array types | T[], List<T> | Array | NpgsqlDbType |
注1)UTC DateTimeはtimestamp with time zoneとして書き込まれ、Local/Unspecified DateTimesはtimestamp without time zoneとして書き込まれます。Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehaviorが有効な場合、DateTimeは常にtimestamp without time zoneとして書き込まれます。
注2) Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehaviorが有効な場合、DbType.DateTimeはtimestamp without time zoneにマップされます。