ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

13.5.2 esfadm report create (Report Creation Command)


esfadm report create - Create the Report


esfadm report create -start YYYYMMDDhhmm -end YYYYMMDDhhmm [-outputfile fileName]



The report information of the period specified in the options is output to the report file.
In addition, based on the save period configured with the policies, old report information that has exceeded the save period of the information accumulation file is deleted.
(If there is report information in the information accumulation file, a report file is output.)

In a Windows environment, only a user of the Administrators group can execute this command.
In a Solaris or Linux environment, only OS administrator (root) user can execute this command.


-start YYYYMMDDhhmm -end YYYYMMDDhhmm

Specify the period of the report to be created in the form of YYYYMMDDhhmm (local time).The maximum period from start to end is 1 year (365 days, or 366 days when including a leap year). The number of seconds is counted as 0 second.
In addition, in a time period switching from summer time to winter time, there are winter local time and summer local time. This command considers that local time as winter local time.

  • YYYY indicates the year and a value of 0000~9999 can be specified.

  • MM indicates the month and a value of 01~12 can be specified.

  • DD indicates the day and a value of 01~31 can be specified.

  • hh indicates the hour, and a value of 00~23 can be specified.

  • mm indicates the minute, and a value of 00~59 can be specified.

In the following cases, errors occur:

  • In the case the date and time later than the command executed date and time is specified at start or end.

  • In the case the date and time earlier than the starting date and time is specified at end.

  • In the case the date and time that does not exist is specified.

-outputfile fileName

Specify the file name for the report output. When a directory path is not included, the report is stored in the current directory. The supported directory paths are an absolute path and a relative path.
When this option is omitted, the report is created with the following file name under the current directory.

  YYYYMMDDhhmmss is the command execution date and time.

Use the local time for the execution time to output to the file name.

When a file or directory with the same name already exists on the output directory, an error is displayed.

Only ASCII letters are supported for the output directory name and the output directory.

The date and time information is included in the file name to prevent file names from being identical.



=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally