ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

8.1.2 Collect Report Information


Running the esfadm report collect command to collect report information accumulates in the information stack file the report information stored in the common control repository.


Refer to "Setup from Web Console" in " Setup Periodic Command Execution" for information on how to activate the Reporting function.

Information to Be Collected

Collect configuration information for volumes connected to servers.

Target for Which to Collect Information

The target for which to collect information is a volume that meets all of the following conditions:

  • Volume is on a supported storage device registered to ETERNUS SF system.
    (Refer to "8.2 Supported Device" for details.)

  • Volume connected to a server registered to ETERNUS SF system.
    ("Connected to a server" indicates that access path is set up and server HBA is registered to ETERNUS SF system. Hereafter, this status is described as "connected to server".)

  • Volume is on a storage system for which the Reporting function is set to "Activate" from Web Console.


For a volume connected to server, note the following points:

  • Whether the volume is targeted for reporting is determined by access path definition. For this reason, server usage and connection/disconnection between server and storage are not considered.

  • Virtual server guest is not supported.