ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

4.1.5 AIX Server Node

This software provides two methods for managing the AIX server node. In one method, Agent is installed on the node, in the other, it is not.

There is a difference in functionality depending on whether the agent was installed or whether it was not installed (with registration performed by manual embedding).


Refer to "3.2 Server Node Middleware for Which Management Is Possible" for information on products that can be monitored by Agent.

To manage the HBAs that are installed in AIX server nodes, the HBAAPI contained OS standard FC driver must be installed. Refer to the AIX manuals for details.

Execute the following command to check that HBAAPI is installed.

# /usr/bin/lslpp -l | /usr/bin/egrep -c "devices.common.IBM.fc.hba-api"

When the execution result is "1" or more, HBAAPI is already installed.


On an AIX agent installed server, the following problems may occur:

  • It takes lots of time to register a server.

  • It takes lots of time to reload configuration.

  • The HBA port information for a target server may not be properly recognized.

If any of those mentioned above is seen, check all the HBA ports for proper connection. If there is any fibre channel device corresponding to an HBA port that is not connected, delete it if possible. To check HBA port-fibre channel device correspondence, refer to the AIX document. In addition, if the server is restarted, this operation may be needed again.

[Example of deleting unused fibre channel device fcs3]

# /usr/sbin/rmdev -Rdl fcs3

If a problem does not fall under those mentioned above, refer to "B.1 Collecting Troubleshooting Information" to collect analysis material and contact Fujitsu Technical Support.