ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

15.5.1 Apply Consolidated Patch/Display Application Status/Delete All Patches

The procedure to apply the Consolidated Patch of ETERNUS SF Manager program in the Management Server, the procedure to display the application status of the Consolidated Patch of ETERNUS SF Manager program, and the procedure to delete all patches applied to the ETERNUS SF Manager program in the Management Server are as follows:
To display the application status of the Consolidated Patch, perform from step 1 to step 2.
Otherwise, perform all steps.

  1. On the global navigation tab, click System.

  2. On the Category pane, click Patch Management.
    The information of the Consolidated Patch applied to the ETERNUS SF Manager program in the Management Server is displayed on the Main pane.

  3. Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.

    For Applying a Consolidated Patch
    1. On the Action pane, click Apply under Consolidated Patch.
      The Apply Patch page is displayed.

    2. Specify the file to be uploaded, and then click Apply.

    3. Check the displayed information dialog box, and then click Done.


      Clicking Done automatically logs out the logged-in user. Do not attempt re-login to Web Console right after the logout as the ETERNUS SF Manager services automatically stop 30 seconds later.
      The ETERNUS SF Manager services launch automatically once the patch application is complete. Try logging in afterwards.

    For Deleting All Patches
    1. On the Action pane, click Delete All under Consolidated Patch.

    2. Check the displayed warning dialog box, and then click OK.

    3. Check the displayed information dialog box, and then click Done.


      Clicking Done automatically logs out the logged-in user. Do not attempt re-login to Web Console right after the logout as the ETERNUS SF Manager services automatically stop 30 seconds later.
      The ETERNUS SF Manager services launch automatically once the patch deletion is complete. Try logging in afterwards.


When the operation for deleting all of the patches is executed, all patches that had been applied to the ETERNUS SF Manager program up to that point are deleted. However, patches applied to other products using the UpdateAdvisor for Middleware are not be deleted.