ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

12.1 Display Overview Screen

In order to display the Overview screen, it is necessary to click Map View on the global navigation tab.
As a result, physical configuration information of the system is displayed on the Main pane.


  • If you click in the menu area with the displayed content different from the resources (other user added or deleted the resources),

    a dialog box that includes the following message is displayed:

    Resource information has been refreshed because they were modified.

    To close the dialog box, click OK or Close.
    The information displayed on the tree view and Main pane is updated.

  • If you click in the menu area while the device selected on the tree view has been deleted by other user,

    a dialog box that includes the following message is displayed:

    Resource information has been refreshed because they were modified.

    To close the dialog box, click OK or Close.
    At this time, the selected state on the tree view is transferred to the root node (Overview node). On the Main pane, the content when the root node was selected is displayed. The tree view expanded state is not changed.