ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

11.4.7 Inherit Access Path

The procedure to inherit an access path is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Server.
    The registered servers are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target server name.
    The detailed information of the server and information about HBAs installed in the server are displayed on the Main pane.

  3. On the Main pain, check the checkbox of the post-replaced HBA.

  4. On the Action pane, click Inherit under Access Path.
    The information confirmation screen is displayed.

  5. Confirm the information, and then click Inherit.


  • Basic conditions under which an ETERNUS SF system can recognize HBA replacement on a server node are as follows:

    • Storage Cruiser's agent is installed in the server node.

    • HBA is replaced in the same slot on the server node.

    • The server node is registered in the ETERNUS SF system.

    • Access path is configured for pre-replaced HBA.

    Even if HBA is replaced with the above basic conditions met, HBA replacement may not be recognized in the following cases:

    • When hot swapping HBA on Linux

    • When replacing HBA on the Solaris OS

  • When the zoning settings intended for access path inheritance is as follows, access path cannot be inherited:

    • Port zoning

    • Not one-to-one WWPN zoning

  • The zoning of tape library devices or other storage devices than ETERNUS Disk storage systems cannot be inherited.

  • In the host registration information, host number cannot be inherited. Host name can be inherited.

  • If inheritance processing is done on any access path to which no zoning is set, zoning creation is skipped, and host registration and affinity settings alone are performed.

  • For the ETERNUS DX S2 series, you must not be logged into ETERNUS Web GUI. Make sure you perform the operation after logging off from ETERNUS Web GUI.