ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.19.3 Operations for Clone Backup VVOL Datastore


To use a clone backup of the Virtual Machine backup, a Clone backup VVOL datastore is required. Create one Clone backup VVOL datastore for each ETERNUS Disk storage system that the target virtual machine of the clone backup is connected. Create Clone Backup VVOL Datastore

The procedure to create a Clone backup VVOL datastore is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.

  2. On the Category pane, click VVOL Management.
    The VVOL datastore list is displayed on the Main pane.

  3. On the Action pane, click Create / Modify under for Clone Backup.
    The Specify VVOL Datastore Information for Clone Backup page is displayed.

  4. Input a Clone backup VVOL datastore name.
    In addition, select the Tier pool to add to the Clone backup VVOL datastore from the Tier Pool List, and then click Add. Select a Tier pool that exists in the ETERNUS Disk storage system where the virtual machine is connected to.
    When the input is completed, click Next.

  5. The information confirmation screen is displayed. Confirm the information, and then click Create / Modify.


  • By specifying the Clone backup VVOL datastore that are created with this operation, a Virtual Volume cannot be created.

  • A Clone backup VVOL datastore that is configured with multiple Tier pools can be created. However, Tier pools that exist within different ETERNUS Disk storage systems in a single Clone backup VVOL datastore cannot be mixed.
    When creating a Clone backup VVOL datastore that is configured with multiple Tier pools, specify Tier pools that exist within the same ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  • Clone backup VVOL datastores can be created one at a time in each ETERNUS Disk storage system. However, this area is only valid for Virtual Volumes that are created in the same ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  • Clone backup VVOL datastores can be configured of a maximum of 16 Tier pools.

  • Multiple Clone backup VVOL datastores can share the same Tier pools as desired. A maximum of 16 can be shared.

  • Up to a total of 1023 Clone backup VVOL datastores or VVOL datastores can be created.

  • A name of up to 16 characters can be applied to a Clone backup VVOL datastore. Characters that can be used in names are alphanumerical characters, sharps (#), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Names are not case-sensitive. Names starting with "POOLGROUP" cannot be configured. Change Clone Backup VVOL Datastore

The procedure to change the Clone backup VVOL datastore is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.

  2. On the Category pane, click VVOL Management.
    The VVOL datastore list is displayed on the Main pane.

  3. On the Main pane, check the target Clone backup VVOL datastore checkbox.

  4. On the Action pane, click Create / Modify under for Clone Backup.
    The Specify VVOL Datastore Information for Clone Backup page is displayed.

  5. Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.

    For Adding Tier Pool

    Select the Tier pool for adding to the Clone backup VVOL datastore from the Tier Pool List, and then click Add.

    For Deleting Tier Pool

    Select the target Tier pool from the Tier Pool Configuration of VVOL Datastore for Clone Backup, and then click Remove.

    For Changing Clone Backup VVOL Datastore Name

    Input a new name.

    When the input is completed, click Next.

  6. The information confirmation screen is displayed. Confirm the information, and then click Create / Modify.


  • A Clone backup VVOL datastore that is configured with multiple Tier pools can be created. However, Tier pools that exist within different ETERNUS Disk storage systems in a single Clone backup VVOL datastore cannot be mixed.
    When creating a Clone backup VVOL datastore that is configured with multiple Tier pools, specify Tier pools that exist within the same ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  • Tier pools where Virtual Volumes are created cannot be deleted. When deleting Tier pools where Virtual Volumes have been created, delete the Tier pool after deleting all Virtual Volumes. Delete Clone Backup VVOL Datastore

The procedure to delete the Clone backup VVOL datastore is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.

  2. On the Category pane, click VVOL Management.
    The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning the VVOL Management.

  3. On the Category pane, click VVOL Datastore.
    The VVOL datastore list is displayed on the Main pane.

  4. On the Main pane, check the target Clone backup VVOL datastore checkbox.

  5. On the Action pane, click Delete under for Clone Backup.
    The Delete VVOL Datastore for Clone Backup page is displayed.

  6. Confirm that the target Clone backup VVOL datastore is displayed, and then click Delete.


The Clone backup VVOL datastore that Virtual Volumes are created cannot be deleted.