ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.15.1 Create Shared Folder


This operation is available only for the following storage devices installed with the NAS option.

  • ETERNUS DX100 S4/DX200 S4, DX500 S4/DX600 S4

  • ETERNUS DX100 S3/DX200 S3, DX500 S3/DX600 S3

It is necessary to perform the following procedures when making a shared folder:

  1. A shared folder creation

  2. NAS backup settings

  3. NAS snapshot settings

  4. Access settings

  5. Quota settings

The procedure to create a shared folder is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  3. On the Category pane, click NAS Management.

  4. On the Action pane, click Create under Shared Folder.
    The Create Shared Folder page is displayed.

    Item Name



    This is an intended use of the shared folder to be created.

    File Sharing: Select this when sharing files and folders.
    Home Directory: Select this when it is an automatically created destination of home directory for user.

    Only when the firmware version number of the storage device is V10L53 or later, "Home Directory" can be selected. Refer to the shared folder specification described in the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals for details.

    If a shared folder by the name of "homes" exists in the storage device, "Home Directory" cannot be selected.

    Shared Folder Name

    This is the shared folder name.
    When "Home Directory" is selected for Usage, "homes" becomes fixed.

    The input conditions are as follows:

    • 1 to 76 characters

    • One-byte and UTF-8 double-byte characters are available.

    • Blank spaces and the following symbols are prohibited:
      \ / : * ? " < > | = , ; [ ] % +

    • The following names are prohibited regardless of case sensitivity:
      ".snap", "global", "homes", "printers", "ipc$", "."(one dot character), and ".." (two dot characters)

    • Setting character strings with "@gmt" as the prefix is prohibited regardless of case sensitivity.

    • Setting character strings with "$bak" as the suffix is prohibited.

    However, the folder name that can be used varies with the device model and firmware version. Refer to the shared folder specification described in the ETERNUS Disk storage system manual.


    This is the protocol type that the shared folder uses.
    When "Home Directory" is selected for Usage, "CIFS" becomes fixed.

    Oplocks Setting

    This is a setting of the Oplocks function to avoid the file access confliction.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol, specification is required.

    When the Oplocks function is enabled, it becomes impossible to use Alternate Data Stream (ADS) though the improvement of the access performance from the client can be expected.

    When both protocols of CIFS/NFS are selected, it is not recommended to enable the Oplocks function.

    SMB Encryption of Data Access

    This sets the SMB encryption function.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol, specification is required.

    When the SMB encryption function is enabled, communications between the client and the ETERNUS Disk storage system are encrypted. To use this function, the client must be compatible with SMB 3.0.

    Access Based Enumeration

    This sets the Access Based Enumeration (ABE) function.
    When "Home Directory" is selected for Usage, "Disable" becomes fixed.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol, specification is required.

    When the ABE function is enabled, the folders and files that cannot be viewed by the user accessing the shared folder are not displayed.

    Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder

    This is a selection of the NAS volume in which the shared folder is created.

    New: Creates a new NAS volume.
    Existing: Selects from existing NAS volumes.

    Volume Name

    This is the NAS volume name.
    When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? * ,)

    NAS FS Block Size

    This is a selection of NAS file system block sizes.
    When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    If you increase the block size, the maximum volume capacity and the maximum file size increases, but the capacity efficiency decreases.

    Volume Capacity

    This is the NAS volume capacity.
    When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    The system area of 300 GB is automatically allocated for the NAS volume.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 400(GB) to 128(TB)

    However, the capacity that can be created as a file system varies with the device model, firmware version, and NAS file system block size. Refer to the file system specification described in the ETERNUS Disk storage system manual.

    Volume Number

    This is the NAS volume number.
    When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    The input conditions are as follows:

    • 1 to 6 numeric characters

    • Volume numbers already used are not allowed.

    However, the maximum specifiable number varies with the number of volumes creatable in the target device and the number of internal volumes. Refer to the volume specification described in the ETERNUS Disk storage system manual.

    When performing the inter-box backup of a NAS volume, and for the ETERNUS DX100 S3/DX200 S3, DX500 S3/DX600 S3 whose firmware version is earlier than V10L51, the same number must be specified as the NAS volume on the REC destination device.

    Select TPP

    This is the Thin Provisioning pool in which the NAS volume is created.
    When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    When only one Thin Provisioning pool exists, it is automatically selected.

    Select NAS Volume

    This is a selection of the NAS volume in which the shared folder is created.
    When "Existing" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, specification is required.

    When only one NAS volume exists, it is automatically selected.


    If SMB Encryption of Data Access is set to "Enable", clients that are incompatible with SMB 3.0 cannot access the shared folders.

  5. Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
    The Set NAS Backup page is displayed.

    Item Name


    Set NAS Backup

    This is a selection for setting a NAS backup.

    If the NAS backup has already been set, "Yes" is selected automatically.

    Destination Volume to backup

    This is the selection of whether to create a new NAS backup volume for the backup destination.
    When "New" is selected for Set NAS Backup, specification is required.

    New: Creates a new NAS backup volume.
    Existing: Selects from existing NAS backup volumes.

    If the NAS backup has already been set, "Existing" is selected automatically.

    Select TPP

    This is the Thin Provisioning pool in which the NAS backup volume is created.
    When "New" is selected for Destination Volume to backup, specification is required.

    It is recommended to select a Thin Provisioning pool different from the Thin Provisioning pool to which the NAS volume is created.

    When only one Thin Provisioning pool exists, it is automatically selected.

    Select NAS Backup Volume

    This is a selection of the NAS backup volume for the backup destination.
    When "Existing" is selected for Destination Volume to backup, specification is required.

    NAS backup volumes, which are not set for NAS backup and are the same capacity as the NAS volume of the shared folder creation destination, are displayed.

    When NAS backup has already been set, the NAS backup volume which has been set is displayed.


    When the NAS backup is set, the NAS backup volume, copy group, and the copy pair are automatically configured with the following values:

    • NAS Backup Volume


      Value to Be Set

      Volume Name

      nasVolumeName$bak_N (*1)

      Volume Capacity

      Same as the NAS volume where the shared folder is created

      Volume Type

      Same as the NAS volume where the shared folder is created

      Thin Provisioning pool where the backup volume is created

      Thin Provisioning pool selected by user

      *1: "N" is a sequential number from 0. The number of digits varies.

    • Copy Group


      Value to Be Set

      Copy Group Name

      NAS_QuickOPC_nasVolumeName_N (*1, *2)

      Copy Group Type


      *1: "N" is a sequential number from 0. The number of digits varies.

      *2: Characters other than those listed below in nasVolumeName are replaced with hash (#):
      One-byte alphanumeric character, minus (-), underscore (_), hash (#), period (.), plus (+)

    • Copy Pair


      Value to Be Set

      Source Volume

      NAS volume

      Destination Volume

      NAS backup volume

  6. Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
    The Set Snapshot page is displayed.

    Item Name


    Using Automatic Snapshot

    This is the selection of whether to use NAS snapshot.

    Yes: Select this when using NAS snapshot.
    No: Select this when not using NAS snapshot.

    If the NAS snapshot has already been used, "Yes" is selected automatically and this item cannot be changed.

    Number of Snapshot Generations

    This is the number of snapshot generations to be kept.
    When "Yes" is selected for Using Automatic Snapshot, specification is required.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 1 to 128

    The settable number of NAS snapshot generations varies with the device model and firmware version number, and with the total number of NAS snapshot generations specified for a target device. Set a value in this item for a target device so that the maximum settable number of NAS snapshot generations is not exceeded.
    The total number of NAS snapshot generations specified for a device means the sum of NAS snapshot generations set for all the NAS volumes in the device. The number of generations includes the number of generations taken in Automatic mode and the number of generations taken in Manual mode, as well. Refer to the NAS snapshot specification described in the ETERNUS Disk storage system manual for details.

    If the NAS snapshot has already been used, this item cannot be changed.

    Schedule Setting

    This is the configuration of the schedule for collecting the snapshot.
    When "Yes" is selected for Using Automatic Snapshot, specification is required.

    • Cycle
      This is the selection of the cycle by which snapshot is collected.

      Daily: A snapshot is collected every day at the time selected in Hours.
      Weekly: A snapshot is collected every week on the selected day of the week at the time selected in Hours.

    • On
      This is the selection of the day of the week on which the snapshot is collected.
      This selection cannot be made in cases when "Daily" has been selected in Cycle.
      Check the checkbox for the day of the week on which to collect the snapshot.

    • Hours
      This is the selection of the time at which the snapshot is collected.
      Check the checkbox for the time you wish to collect a snapshot.
      When an interval of collecting a snapshot is selected, the selected interval time is automatically checked from the start point of zero time.

    If the NAS snapshot has already been used, this item cannot be changed.

    Select RAID Group in which the NAS Snapshot is created

    This is the RAID group of the destination where the NAS snapshot volume is to be created.
    When "Yes" is selected for Using Automatic Snapshot, specification is required.

    When there is only one RAID group, the RAID group is selected automatically.

    When the RAID group has already been set, only the set RAID group is displayed.


    • The snapshots are collected based on the time in the ETERNUS Disk storage system.

    • When the selection for Using Automatic Snapshot has been changed from "No" to "Yes", collection of the snapshot is automatically started.


    When starting the use of NAS snapshot, a NAS snapshot volume is created automatically.

    The NAS snapshot volume is configured with the following values:

    • NAS Snapshot Volume


      Value to Be Set

      Volume Name

      nasVolumeName$snap_N (*1)

      Volume Capacity

      Same as the NAS volume where the shared folder is created

      Volume Type


      RAID group where the NAS snapshot is created

      RAID group selected by user

      *1: "N" is a sequential number from 0. The number of digits varies.

  7. Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
    The Access Setting screen is displayed.

    Item Name



    This is an owner to whom the access privilege for the shared folder is given.

    The user name on the authentication server must be specified. If root (initial value) is set, it is accessible from all clients on business LAN.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")


    This is a group to which the access privilege for the shared folder is given.

    The group name on the authentication server must be specified. If root (initial value) is set, it is accessible from all groups on business LAN.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")

    Allowed Hosts

    This is an allowed access setting of the unit of host for the shared folder.

    When no host is specified, all hosts are allowed.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 1,023 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")

    Specify by the following formats. To specify more than one, input a comma (,) as delimiter.

    • Single specification (Example:

    • Subnet specification (Example:

    Denied Hosts

    This is a denied access setting of the unit of host for the shared folder.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol at step 4, specification is allowed.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 1,023 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")

    Specify by the following formats. To specify more than one, input a comma (,) as delimiter.

    • Single specification (Example:

    • Subnet specification (Example:

    root Access Allowed Hosts

    This is an allowed access setting of the unit of host for the shared folder with root privileges.
    When "NFS" is checked for Protocol at step 4, specification is allowed.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 1,023 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")

    Specify by the following formats. To specify more than one, input a comma (,) as delimiter.

    • Single specification (Example:

    • Subnet specification (Example:

    Only the hosts specified in NFS Allowed Hosts can be configured.

    For details about setting this item, refer to "Host Access Configurations of Shared Folder" in "Creating Shared Folder" in the chapter "Operation" in the Operation Guide (Express Operation Guide or Storage Cruiser Operation Guide) of the product in use.


    This is a target for CIFS access permission.
    When "Home Directory" is selected for Usage at step4, this item cannot be specified.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol at step 4, specification is allowed.

    User: Select this when user is a target.
    Group: Select this when group is a target.
    Everyone: Select this when all users are a target. Handled as a group that all users belong to.


    This is a name of a target for CIFS access permission.
    When "Home Directory" is selected for Usage at step4, this item cannot be specified.
    When "CIFS" is checked for Protocol at step 4, specification is allowed.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters (excluding ? ")

    • "Everyone" cannot be specified.

    • Case-insensitive

    • When specifying a trusted domain user/group for a target, it is necessary to enter the name in the form of "domainName\targetName".


    • Settings of Allowed Hosts and Denied Hosts are applied with the following rules:

      • When the same address is entered for Allowed Hosts and Denied Hosts, the Allowed Hosts is prioritized.

      • When both Allowed Hosts and Denied Hosts are entered, all unspecified addresses are permitted.

      Access conditions for shared folders based on the above rules are as follows.
      Here, IP Address A is included in Subnet A and IP Address B in Subnet B.

      Denied Hosts Setting

      Allowed Hosts Setting

      Specified (specify the address below)

      Not specified

      IP Address A

      IP Address B

      Subnet A

      Subnet B


      (specify the address to the right)

      IP Address A

      Permit all addresses.

      Deny IP Address A only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny IP Address A only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny IP Address A only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny IP Address A only.
      Permit all others.

      IP Address B

      Deny IP Address B only.
      Permit all others.

      Permit all addresses.

      Deny IP Address B only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny IP Address B only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny IP Address B only.
      Permit all others.

      Subnet A

      Deny Subnet A other than IP Address A.
      Permit all others.

      Deny Subnet A only.
      Permit all others.

      Permit all addresses.

      Deny Subnet A only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny Subnet A only.
      Permit all others

      Subnet B

      Deny Subnet B only.
      Permit all others.

      Deny Subnet B other than IP Address B.
      Permit all others.

      Deny Subnet B only.
      Permit all others.

      Permit all addresses

      Deny Subnet B only.
      Permit all others.

      Not specified


      Permit IP Address A only.
      Deny all others.

      Permit IP Address B only.
      Deny all others.

      Permit Subnet A only.
      Deny all others.

      Permit Subnet B only.
      Deny all others.

      Permit all addresses.

    • The CIFS access permission settings are used according to the following rules:

      • When accessing a shared folder for which Type and Name are set with CIFS protocol, the settings of write permission is ignored.

      • When Type and Name are set for a shared folder, an unspecified user/group cannot access the shared folder with CIFS protocol.

      • When "Everyone" is specified for Type, the same access permission level is set for all users.

      • When other access permission level is specified for a user and a group that the user belongs to, priority is given to "Read/Write".

      Access conditions for shared folders with CIFS protocol based on the above rules are as follows.
      In the table, "Read Only" is abbreviated to "RO" and "Read/Write" to "RW".


      CIFS Access Permission to be Set






      User Other Than on The Left

      Read Only


      Read Only



      User Other Than user-A


      User Other Than user-B













































































































































  8. Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
    The Quota Setting screen is displayed.

    Item Name


    Disk Space (Warning)

    This is a warning value of disk space usage set to quota target.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 0 to Disk Space (Limit)

    If Zero (0) is specified, a warning value is not set (no limit).
    When specifying both Disk Space (Limit) and Disk Space (Warning), set so that a value of Disk Space (Limit) is larger than a value of Disk Space (Warning).

    Disk Space (Limit)

    This is a limit value of disk space usage set to quota target.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 0 to 128 (TB)

    If Zero (0) is specified, a limit value is not set (no limit).

    File Count (Warning)

    This is a warning value of file count set to quota target.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 0 to File Count (Limit)

    If Zero (0) is specified, a warning value is not set (no limit).
    When specifying both File Count (Limit) and File Count (Warning), set so that a value of File Count (Limit) is larger than a value of File Count (Warning).

    File Count (Limit)

    This is a limit value of file count set to quota target.

    The input condition is as follows:

    • An integer from 0 to 134,217,723

    If Zero (0) is specified, a limit value is not set (no limit).


    • When Zero (0) is entered in all the above items, quota settings for the shared folder are not executed.

    • When a warning value is set, if the warning value is exceeded, an event indicating that the warning value has been exceeded is displayed on Log tab of the quota management.

    • When a limit value is set, if the limit value has been reached, it causes an error when writing to a shared folder.

  9. Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
    The information confirmation screen is displayed.

  10. Check that the input information is correct, and then click Create.


When "New" is selected for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder, the shared folder is created after completing of the NAS volume creation process. Therefore, when it failed to create the shared folder, the NAS volume remains. If try to create the shared folder again, select "Existing" for Destination NAS Volume to create Shared Folder and specify the remained NAS volume. If recreate the NAS volume, try to create it again after deleting the remained NAS volume from the Volume Management screen. Refer to "9.7.3 Delete Volume" for information on how to delete the NAS volume.