ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.14.21 Display FTV Performance Information Graph

The procedure to display the performance information of FTVs registered in the storage device with a graph is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  3. On the Category pane, click Automated Storage Tiering.
    The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning Automated Storage Tiering.

  4. On the Category pane, click FTV.
    The registered FTVs are displayed on the Main pane.

  5. On the Main pane, select the objects to display.

  6. On the Action pane, click Performance Chart under Charts.

  7. On the Performance Chart window, enter the necessary information, and then click Plot.
    The performance information is displayed as graphs.


  • To display the Threshold Monitoring graph, only one object must be selected.
    When multiple objects are selected on the Main pane (at the above step 5), display the Threshold graph by specifying only one object on the Performance Chart screen.

  • If you check the Display Threshold Monitoring checkbox, the current threshold value is displayed on the graph.

  • The "Peak graph" is a graph where only the maximum values inside successive time intervals are plotted on the vertical axis. If you check the Peak Graph checkbox in the Performance Chart window, the Peak graph can be displayed on the graph. The Peak Graph checkbox is enabled when "1 Day" or "1 Week" is specified in the Duration.

  • To confirm the performance information according to Extreme Cache, select "Read(Extreme Cache)" or "Read(DRAM + Extreme Cache)" under "Cache Hit Rate" on Series.

  • To confirm the performance information according to Automated QoS function, select "Read + Write" under "Response Time" on Series.

  • The graph of the target response time is displayed when all the following requirements are met:

    • Only one volume is selected on the Main pane.

    • "Read + Write" under "Response Time" is selected on Series in the Performance Chart window.

    • The Automated QoS priority or target response time has been set to the selected volume.

    • The Display Target Response Time checkbox is checked.

  • When the Automated QoS priority is set, target response time that has been automatically configured is displayed.

  • To confirm the QoS achievement rate (achievement rate for Target Response Time), select "QoS achievement rate" under "QoS achievement rate" on Series.

  • The QoS achievement rate is displayed only when the Automated QoS priority or a target response time of other than 0 has been configured.