The procedure to add an FC/iSCSI/SAS host is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Connectivity.
The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning the connectivity.
On the Category pane, click Host.
The number of hosts for each port type is displayed on the Main pane.
Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.
On the Action pane, click Add FC Host under Host.
The information input screen is displayed.
On the Now Connected tab, specify WWN and a FC CA port that is connected to the host to be added. Enter the necessary information for the specified WWN. When entering WWN manually, select the Manual Input tab, and enter the necessary information. Click Add, and specify an object WWN from the FC Host list.
Specify the host information to add, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.
On the Action pane, click Add iSCSI Host under Host.
The information input screen is displayed.
On the Now Connected tab, specify iSCSI name and an iSCSI CA port that is connected to the host to be added. Enter the necessary information for the specified iSCSI. When entering iSCSI manually, select the Manual Input tab, and enter the necessary information. Click Add, and specify an object iSCSI name from the iSCSI Host list.
Specify the host information to add, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.
On the Action pane, click Add SAS Host under Host.
The information input screen is displayed.
On the Now Connected tab, specify SAS address and a SAS CA port that is connected to the host to be added. Enter the necessary information for the specified SAS. When entering SAS manually, select the Manual Input tab, and enter the necessary information. Click Add, and specify an object SAS address from the SAS Host list.
Specify the host information to add, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.
If the iSCSI host is a dual stack device to which both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are configured, register either of the two addresses.
Refer to [Note] in "Connectivity Management" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide for the conditions related to the iSCSI host setting.