The procedure to add/display/delete a copy pair is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Advanced Copy.
The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning Advanced Copy.
On the Category pane, click Copy Group.
The created copy group list is displayed on the Main pane.
Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.
On the Main pane, check the target copy group checkbox.
When using the Storage Cluster Continuous Copy function, refer to [Point] later in this section to select a copy group.
On the Action pane, click Add under Copy Pair.
The screen to set the copy pair is displayed.
Enter the necessary information, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.
On the Main pane, click the target copy group name.
The created copy pairs are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, check the target copy group checkbox.
On the Action pane, click Remove under Copy Pair.
The screen to select a copy pair is displayed.
Check the target copy pair checkbox, and then click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Remove.
When using the Storage Cluster Continuous Copy function, specify the copy group that was enabled for the Storage Cluster Continuous Copy function when selecting a copy group in step 5-a of "For Adding Copy Pair". In this case, when selecting a copy pair in step 5-c of "For Adding Copy Pair", the volumes that can be specified as pairs are limited to TFOVs (volumes that have "/TFOV" in the character string in the Usage column).
When adding a copy pair, if an encrypted volume for the copy source is specified, only encrypted volumes can be selected as a copy destination. If an unencrypted volume for the copy source is specified, only unencrypted volumes can be selected as a copy destination.
To add a copy pair of an encrypted volume and an unencrypted volume, use the acpair add command. Refer to "Command References" in the AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide for Copy Control Module for information on the command.
When not using the Storage Cluster Continuous Copy function, do not specify TFOV for both copy source and copy destination. However, you can specify TFOV for either copy source or copy destination.
When deleting the Storage Cluster environment, prior deletion of copy pairs/copy groups that contain TFOV (volumes that have "/TFOV" in the character string in the Usage column) is required.
In Web Console, backups for volume content to partitions using the LU to Partition function of AdvancedCopy Manager CCM is not supported. For the LU to Partition function, use the AdvancedCopy Manager CCM commands. Refer to "LU to Partition" in the AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide for Copy Control Module for information on using LU to Partition function.