ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.8.1 Create RAID Group

The create modes for RAID groups are automatic and manual.
In the case of automatic, appropriate disks are automatically selected based on specified RAID type, disk type, and RAID group capacity. The Stripe Depth is 64 KB.

The automatic mode and Stripe Depth can be only selected for the following models:

How to Create RAID Group Automatically

The procedure to create the RAID group within an ETERNUS Disk storage system automatically is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  3. On the Category pane, click RAID Group.

  4. On the Action pane, click Create under RAID Group.
    The information input screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the necessary information in the Name, the RAID Type and the Disk Type fields.

  6. Click the Automatic radio button in the Create Mode.

  7. Enter the Number of RAID Groups, Minimum Capacity per RAID Group and Select Disks (only when "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)" is selected for RAID Type), and then click Next.
    The information confirmation screen is displayed.

  8. Check that the configuration of the RAID groups to be created is correct, and then click Create.
    The creation of the RAID groups is started.

How to Create RAID Group Manually

The procedure to create the RAID group within an ETERNUS Disk storage system manually is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

  3. On the Category pane, click RAID Group.

  4. On the Action pane, click Create under RAID Group.
    The information input screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the necessary information in the Name, the RAID Type and the Disk Type fields.

  6. Click the Manual radio button in the Create Mode.

  7. Select the Stripe Depth, Fast Recovery Configuration (only when "High Reliability (RAID6-FR)" is selected for RAID Type) and disks to be used, and then click Next.
    The information confirmation screen is displayed.

  8. Check that the configuration of the RAID groups to be created is correct, and then click Create.
    The creation of the RAID groups is started.


The Name field cannot be input for the model that cannot give a name to the RAID group.