The procedure to display/export the Hyper-V End to End view list is as follows:
To display the list, perform from step 1 to step 5.
Otherwise, perform all steps.
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.
On the Category pane, click Correlation.
The items of the Category pane change into the items concerning the correlation management.
On the Category pane, click End to End View (Hyper-V).
On the Main pane, click either of the following tabs.
End to End View (Hyper-V) - Pass-through Disk tab
The End to End view list related to the pass-through disk is displayed on the Main pane.
End to End View (Hyper-V) - Virtual Hard Disk tab
The End to End view list related to the virtual hard disk is displayed on the Main pane.
Perform the following procedures according to the operation purpose.
On the Main pane, check the target Hyper-V End to End view radio button.
On the Action pane, click Display Details under End to End View (Hyper-V).
The detail of the selected Hyper-V End to End view is displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, check the target Hyper-V End to End view radio button.
On the Action pane, click Download under End to End View (Hyper-V).
Specify the location to save the file, and then click OK.
Click Save.
To display information, it is required that the Hyper-V host has already been registered.
When the Data Exchange service of Integration Services is not running on the Hyper-V host, a part of Hyper-V guest information is not displayed.
When the operating system of Hyper-V guest is not Windows, a part of Hyper-V guest information might be not displayed even if the Data Exchange service of Integration Services is running.
The information of virtual HBA on the Hyper-V guest is not displayed.