The procedure to register the port of the storage device other than ETERNUS Disk storage systems is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
On the Category pane, click Disk Array (Manual).
The registered storage devices are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, click the target storage device name.
On the Category pane, click Port.
The port information for target storage device is displayed on the Main pane.
On the Action pane, click Add under Port.
The information input screen is displayed.
Register port.
Click the Manual Input tab.
Enter a WWPN and WWNN.
Click Add.
Click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.
Click the Now Connected to FC-Switch tab.
Select the target switch from the FC-Switch pull-down list.
Click Discover.
The discovered ports are displayed.
Check the target port checkbox.
Click Next.
The information confirmation screen is displayed.
Confirm the information, and then click Add.