ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

6.3 Creation of Snapshots

The procedure for creating transaction volume snapshots is shown below.

  1. In the main pane of Quick Launch, select a volume that you want to create snapshots.

  2. Move the mouse over Action in the menu area and click Create snapshot.

  3. Check the contents of the confirmation screen and then click Done.


  • You can create up to 512 generations of snapshots.

  • After a snapshot is created, a snapshot volume (copy destination volume) is automatically created in the pool where the volume selected in step 1 (copy source volume) exists. The name for snapshot volumes is in the "__backup_[number]" format (where number consists of a seven-digit number). The snapshot volume is not displayed on the Volume list screen of Quick Launch.

  • The pool space is not consumed only when snapshots are created. After a snapshot is created, the pool capacity is consumed because the storage device copies the pre-updated data from the copy source volume to the copy destination volume every time the copy source volume is updated. If the free space of the pool is insufficient, delete unnecessary snapshots.

  • When using Express only, the maximum number of snapshots is eight sessions per storage device. The number of sessions is the total number of generations that are used in each volume. The session during restore is also counted as one session.


  • Create snapshots when access from the business server to the transaction volume (copy source volume) is stopped.

  • Be sure to delete the created snapshots before deleting the storage device where those snapshots exist. Refer to "6.5 Deletion of Snapshots" for details on how to delete snapshots.