ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

5.4.2 Display Capacity Ranking (List Format)

The used capacity of the specified resources is displayed in descending order in a table. In addition, a minigraph of the capacity changes for the latest month can be displayed within the table.

The display procedure is as follows:

  1. In the configuration dialog box, select "Ranking" in the Type field and "List" in the Chart Type field.

  2. Select the following items as display options.




    A target device for ranking can be selected. The default is "All" (all devices).


    A resource type to be displayed can be selected from the following items:

    • FTRP

    • TPP

    • FTV (excluding volumes that the Allocation is "Thick")

    • TPV (excluding volumes that the Allocation is "Thick")

    • NAS Volume


    Select either "Rate" or "Actual Capacity" for the unit order. The default is "Rate".
    If multiple resources whose capacity is the same exist, they are displayed in order of name.


    Select either "Desc by used capacity" or "Asc by used capacity" for the sort order. The default is "Desc by used capacity".

    Desc by used capacity: Descending order by used capacity
    Asc by used capacity: Ascending order by used capacity

  3. Click Add.
    A panel that displays the capacity ranking is added to the Panel area.


Dedup volumes are not displayed in the capacity ranking.