ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

5.3.5 Display Automated Storage Tiering Detail

The detailed information for Automated Storage Tiering can be displayed with the detail dialog box.

To display the detail dialog box, click the link of the Target field, the FTRP field, or the FTV field on the Access Status Chart panel.

In addition, clicking the link in the detail dialog box can switch the information displayed in the detail dialog box.

The information that can be displayed in the detail dialog box is as follows.




Displays a list of FTRPs in the whole system or the selected device.

FTRP Detail

Displays the following information related to the selected FTRP in the tab:

  • Capacity graph (Line graph)

    • Displays the changes of the provisioned rate (logical quota share) and the used rate (physical quota share).

    • Displays the thresholds (warning/caution) in a horizontal line.

    • The display period is a maximum of one month or one year.

    • The display range can be adjusted with the slider.

  • Sub-pool graph (Piled up line graph)

    • Displays the changes of quota share for each sub-pool.

    • The display period is a maximum of one month or one year.

    • The display range can be adjusted with the slider.

  • Relocation list (Table)

    • Displays the relocation history (maximum five generations)

  • RAID Group list (Table)

  • Volume list (Table)

RAID Group Detail

Displays a list of disks that are included in the selected RAID group.

Volume Detail

Displays the following information related to the selected volume in the tab:

  • Capacity graph (Line graph)

    • Displays the changes of the used rate (physical quota share).

    • The others are the same as the Capacity graph in [FTRP Detail].

  • Sub-pool graph (Piled up line graph)

    • Same as the Sub-pool graph in [FTRP Detail].

  • Server list (Table)

    • Displays the information for the allocated servers.

Relocation Detail

Displays the relocation history for each FTV that is created in a selected FTRP.


The breadcrumb list is displayed in the detail dialog box.

"All System", "deviceName", "poolName", and "volumeName" are displayed in the breadcrumb list. Whether a link exists or not depends on the currently displayed item.

Clicking the link in the detail dialog box can switch the information displayed in the detail dialog box.