Web Console is started according by the following procedure:
Start a web browser on a PC or tablet that is connected to the Management Server.
Refer to "1.1 Supported Web Browsers" for information on the supported web browsers and versions.
Enter the address of the Management Server in the web browser address bar.
The connection with the Management Server is done through the HTTPS protocol.
For specifying the IPv4 address
For ipv4Address, specify the IPv4 address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of Management Server.
For portNumber, specify the port number of "Web Console service (ETERNUS SF Manager Apache service)" that is entered during the installation. The default port number is 9855.
The following example specifies "" to ipv4Address and "9855" to portNumber.
For specifying the IPv6 address (only when Storage Cruiser or AdvancedCopy Manager is being used)
For ipv6Address, specify the IPv6 address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of Management Server. When Firefox is used, you cannot specify the IPv6 address. Therefore, specify the FQDN.
For portNumber, specify the port number of "Web Console service (ETERNUS SF Manager Apache service)" that is entered during the installation. The default port number is 9855.
The following example specifies "2001:db8::1" to ipv6Address and "9855" to portNumber.
Refer to "1.5 HTTPS Connection" for information on the HTTPS connection between Web Browser and Management Server.
If the login screen does not appear, check the following points:
Error in the URL
Web browser proxy settings
Management Server firewall settings
When the web browser is started, a warning message about the security certificate is displayed upon establishing the connection for the first time. In Internet Explorer, a dialog box showing the "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." message is displayed. This is due to the fact that the product uses a self-signed certificate for the HTTPS (SSL) protocol.
The software generates a different self-signed security certificate for each Management Server during the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.
As the network is isolated from the intranet by a firewall, the communication with the neighboring devices is safe and using a self-signed certificate is not a problem. Therefore it is possible to acknowledge the warning and proceed safely to the next screen. For Internet Explorer, select "Continue to this website (not recommended)." to display the login screen.
When connecting with Internet Explorer, the address bar turns red and a "Certificate Error" message displays in the Security Status bar. Moreover, a warning icon of a possible phishing attempt is displayed in the Security Status bar.
These display warnings are caused by the self-signed certificate described in [Note 2] and as such do not constitute a problem.
To remove the warning and error notifications about the security certificate, a certificate corresponding to the Management Server IP address or host name must be created and installed in the web browser.
Refer to "1.5 HTTPS Connection" for details.
When already logged in a browser window on a client PC, the login screen may not be displayed and the login may be automatically performed when opening another browser window on the same client.
When Internet Explorer Information bar displays the following message, a file download has been blocked.
To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for more options...
In the above case, the file can be downloaded by performing the following procedure.
Click the Information bar to display Option.
Click the "Download Software" on the Option screen.
The dialog box which contains the following message is displayed. Click Cancel.
To display the webpage again, Internet Explorer Need to resend the information...
Execute the blocked operation again.