ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

3.5.11 Note for IPv6

This sub section describes the notes on IPv6 on Web Console.


Since using Express in the IPv6 environment is not supported, use it in the IPv4 environment.


If IPv6 is displayed in the IP Address field in the table on Web Console, the following are observed.
IPv6 address is expressed in full format or abbreviated format. For abbreviated format, multiple formats are available for one address based on an adaptable rule. Web Console uses and displays the recommended format in RFC5952 so as to make IPv6 address format unique and unified. However, like the screen to add HBA, if there are two fields on one screen; one to enter IP addresses and the other to display the entered IP addresses, IPv6 address is expressed in the format used for its input.

The recommended format in RFC5952 complies with the following rules:

  • In the 16 bit field (number between ":" and ":"), if the number starts with zero (0), all leading zeros are suppressed to be expressed. The "0000" is expressed as "0" (called zero-valued field).

  • About abbreviation to "::"

    • If a zero-valued field is abbreviated to "::", all zeros are abbreviated to the extent possible. For example, in the case of "2001:db8:0:0:0:0:2:1", it is expressed as "2001:db8::2:1", not as "2001:db8::0:2:1".

    • If many zeros do not continue but only one zero exists in a zero-valued field, the zero is not abbreviated. For example, in the case of "2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1", it is not expressed as "2001:db8::1:1:1:1:1".

    • When abbreviating a zero-valued field, the field where zero continues the most is abbreviated. For example, in the case of "2001:0:0:1:0:0:0:1", it is expressed as "2001:0:0:1::1", not as "2001::1:0:0:0:1".
      In addition, if there are multiple zero-valued fields where zero continues, the first zero continuing field (leftmost side) is abbreviated. For example, in the case of "2001:db8:0:0:1:0:0:1", it is expressed as "2001:db8::1:0:0:1", not as "2001:db8:0:0:1::1".

    • Hexadecimal alphabets (from "a" to "f") are expressed in lowercase letters.


For IPv6 address entry, both full format and abbreviated format are available. However, a special format of IPv4 embedded IPv6 address (::ffff:, ::<>, 2002: and a format that adds an interface number or name with "%" (fe80::1234%fx0) are not available.

On Web Console, the following conditions are checked as an IPv6 address syntax:

  • Other characters than from "0" to "9", from "a" to "f", from "A" to "F", and ":" are not used.

  • There are not more than nine fields separated with ":".

  • The ":" alone is not specified.

If the above conditions are met, an IPv6 address can be configured on Web Console. However, if there is something wrong with the configured IP address, error may occur when accessing a target device with the address.


IPv6 can be specified in the IP Address field to be filtered in the table on Web Console. Partial match filtering is accepted. For example, only ":" is accepted.
The values displayed in the table are to be filtered. Despite of the same IP address as an IPv6 address, if it does not match with that in the table, it does not correspond to the filter criterion.

Sort Method

When sorting IP addresses in the table on Web Console, they are sorted by their displayed values. If IPv4 and IPv6 addresses coexist, they are not separated to be sorted.