PRIMECLUSTER  Web-Based Admin ViewOperation Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

7.2.2 RMI port number

As Web-Based Admin View uses four service port numbers, 9396, 9397, 9398, and 9399 are used in Solaris in order to use the RMI programming model of the Java platform.

In Linux, four service port numbers of 9796, 9797, 9798, and 9799.

If the port numbers are the same as the numbers used for another product, change the numbers.

Be aware that there's no client running Web-Based admin View first, and then execute the following command on all management servers and monitoring nodes.

# /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetport { fjwv_c=<port number> | fjwv_n=<port number> | fjwv_s=<port number> | fjwv_g=<port number> }

To check the current port number, execute the following command:

# /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetport fjwv_c fjwv_n fjwv_s fjwv_g


  • Modifications should be made in a single user mode.

  • For Solaris OS, port numbers are controlled by the service name "fjwv_c","fjwv_n", "fjwv_s" and "fjwv_s" in the "/etc/inet/services" file on all the nodes.

  • For Linux(R), port numbers are controlled by the service name "fjwv_c", "fjwv_n", "fjwv_s" and "fjwv_s" in the "/etc/services" file on all the nodes.

  • Modification should be done for all management servers and monitoring nodes. The port number corresponding to each service name needs to be set to the same value among those nodes.


For details on Remote Method Invocation (RMI), see the Oracle Documents.