PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software


Global File Services is called "GFS" in the document.

This manual explains the functions, settings, and operations of GFS.

Target Readers

This manual is intended for all the users operating the products with the GFS Shared File System (e.g. PRIMECLUSTER.)

To read this manual, readers will require a general knowledge of UNIX and Linux(R) operating systems.

Because GFS Shared File System uses the functions of PRIMECLUSTER, readers will also need knowledge of cluster control as used in a PRIMECLUSTER system.

Because GFS Shared File System uses the functions of PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services, readers will also need knowledge of shared volume as used in a PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services.


This manual is organized as below.

Chapter 1 File System Functions

This chapter describes the functions and features of the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 2 File System Structure

This chapter describes the structure of the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 3 Failure Recovery

This chapter describes the failure recovery functions of the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 4 File System Design

This chapter describes the main features of the operational design of the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 5 Management Partition

This chapter describes the management partition.

Chapter 6 Starting and Exiting the Management View

This chapter describes the topology, preparation, and operation to use the GFS Management View.

Chapter 7 Operation Management View Screen Elements

This chapter describes the screen elements of the GFS Management View.

Chapter 8 Management Partition Operations (GUI)

This chapter describes how to operate the management partition by the GFS Management View.

Chapter 9 Management Partition Operations (Command)

This chapter describes how to operate the management partition by commands.

Chapter 10 File System Operations (GUI)

This chapter describes how to operate the GFS Shared File System by the GFS Management View.

Chapter 11 File System Operations (Command)

This chapter describes how to operate the GFS Shared File System by commands.

Chapter 12 File System Management

This chapter describes the procedures for managing the GFS Shared File System using basic commands.

Chapter 13 File System Backing-up and Restoring

This chapter describes how to backing up and restoring data in the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 14 Tuning

This chapter describes how to use a variety of utilities to optimize and make effective use of the GFS Shared File System.

Chapter 15 Migration to the GFS Shared File System

This chapter describes how to migrate from existing file systems to the GFS Shared File Systems.

Appendix A List of Messages

This appendix describes GFS Shared File System messages.

Appendix B Reference Manual

This appendix describes management commands of the GFS Shared File System.

Appendix C Troubleshooting

This appendix describes how to collect troubleshooting information and take corrective action in the event of a GFS Shared File System failure.

Appendix D systemd Services and Startup Daemons, and Port Numbers in GFS

This appendix provides the explanations on systemd services and startup daemons in GFS, and the port numbers being used.

Appendix E GFS Tasks that Operate Periodically by the cron Daemon

This appendix describes the GFS tasks that operate periodically by the cron daemon.

Appendix F Resident Processes in GFS and Monitoring Target

This appendix describes the resident processes in GFS and the necessity of monitoring them.

Appendix G Release information

This appendix describes the main contents for change of this manual.


The glossary defines the terms related to the GFS Shared File System.

Related documentation

Please refer to the following manuals if necessary:


A related document of PRIMECLUSTER includes the following documents besides the above-mentioned manuals.

  • PRIMECLUSTER Software Release Guide and Installation Guide
    The software release guide and installation guide appended to each product of PRIMECLUSTER.
    The data is stored on DVD of the product. For information about the file name, see "Product introduction."

Manual Printing

Use the PDF file to print this manual.

Adobe Reader is required to read and print this PDF file. To get Adobe Reader, see Adobe Systems Incorporated's website.

Online Manuals

To reference the online manual, use the Cluster management server to register the user name in user group wvroot, clroot, cladmin, or clmon.


To enter a user group and meaning thereof, see "PRIMECLUSTER Web-Based Admin View Operation Guide."

Notational Conventions


Command line examples that require system administrator (or root) rights to execute are preceded by the system administrator prompt, the hash sign (#). Command line examples that do not require system administrator rights are preceded by a dollar sign ($).

Manual page section numbers

Section No. of manual page

Section numbers of the manual page appear in brackets after the commands of Linux(R) operating system and PRIMECLUSTER. Example: cp(1)

The keyboard

Keystrokes that represent nonprintable characters are displayed as key icons such as [Enter] or [F1]. For example, [Enter] means press the key labeled Enter; [Cntl]+[B] means hold down the key labeled Cntl or Control and then press the [B] key.

Italic type

Italic types represent variables which need to be replaced by specific numerical values or character strings.

Description on OS

[RHEL7] represents information essential for using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

[RHEL8] represents information essential for using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.


Material of particular interest is preceded by the following symbols in this manual:


Describes the contents of an important point.


Describes the points the users should pay close attention to.


Provides useful information related to the topic.


Provides manuals for users' reference.

Date of publication and edition

December 2019, First edition
February 2021, Second edition


Copyright (c) 1983-1989 Portions may be derived from Berkeley BSD system, licensed from the U. of CA.

Export Controls

Exportation/release of this document may require necessary procedures in accordance with the regulations of your resident country and/or US export control laws.


This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.


All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) FUJITSU LIMITED 2019-2021.