PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition4.6A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

B.2.1 Upgrading from PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition 4.6A00

  1. If you are using Cluster Applications, check the configuration name of RMS by executing the following command on any one of the cluster nodes. Put down the name as you can use it later.

    # hvdisp -a | grep Configuration <Return>
    Configuration: /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/build/<configuration_name>.us
  2. Stop RMS if you are using Cluster Applications.

    # hvshut -a <Return>
  3. Execute the following command to stop automatic start of the PRIMECLUSTER services on each cluster node.

    # /opt/FJSVpclinst/bin/pclservice off <Return>
  4. If you are using GLS, execute the following procedure on each cluster node.

    1. Back up the GLS operating environment.

      # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetbackup -d /<mydir> <Return>

      The backup file name is "hanetYYYYMMDD.bk". YYYYMMDD shows information of the command execution date. (YYYY: year, MM: month, DD: day)

    2. When GLS is set to the network used for the public LAN (used also for the administrative LAN), set to the standard NIC of the OS. If GLS is set as follows, set sha0 to eth0.

      # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print <Return>
      [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC]
       Name        Hostname        Mode Physical ipaddr   Interface List    
       sha0                         v                     eth0
       Name        Hostname/prefix                   Mode Interface List    
      # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 <Return>
      UUID=<Fixed value of the environment (not necessary to change)>
      # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 <Return>
      DNS1=<IP address of primary DNS server>
      DNS2=<IP address of secondary DNS server>

      Edit the ifcfg-eth0 file and the ifcfg-sha0 as follows.

      • In the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file, comment out DEVICETYPE and PEERDNS. Set BOOTPROTO=dhcp and DEFROUTE=yes.

        UUID=<Fixed value of the environment (not necessary to change)>
      • Set the ONBOOT of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 to no.

        DNS1=<IP address of primary DNS server>
        DNS2=<IP address of secondary DNS server>
  5. Restart the system on each cluster node.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  6. Copy the data from the DVD and deploy it in the environment where the installation is done.

    1. Mount the DVD in an other Linux environment that can read data from the DVD.

      # mount -t iso9660 -r/dev/<Device File Name> <DVD-ROM mount point> <Return>
    2. Archive the directory under the <DVD-ROM mount point> with the tar command.

      # tar czf <Archive Filename> -C <DVD-ROM mount point> . <Return>


      • The last dot (.) is required.

    3. Place the archived files from step 2 into the environment to be upgraded.

    4. In the environment to be upgraded, create a destination directory.

      # mkdir <Directory copied to> <Return>
    5. Extract the archive to the destination directory.

      # tar xzf <Archive Filename> -C <Directory copied to> <Return>
  7. Proceed the following steps on each cluster node.

    1. Create a backup directory.

      # mkdir /<mydir> <Return>
    2. Back up the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment.

      # cp -p /usr/opt/reliant/etc/hvipalias /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /var/opt/FJSVclapm/etc/Tuning_Param /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /etc/services /<mydir> <Return>
      # crontab -u root -l > /<mydir>/crontab.bak <Return>
      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/webview.cnf /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/.policy /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/wvlocal.cnf /<mydir> <Return>

      Check if the Plugin.html file has not been changed.

      Open the /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/Plugin.html file using a text editor then check the default value( 60 ) is set for the following entry:

      <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="60">

      If it is different from the default value, take a note of the value.

      This value will be used to restore it later.

    3. If you are using GDS, back up the GDS operating environment.

      # cp -p /etc/sysconfig/devlabel /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /etc/sysconfig/devlabel.d/devname_conf /<mydir> <Return>
    4. Execute the following script then delete a part of the PRIMECLUSTER package.

      # cd <Directory copied to>/Tool <Return>
      # ./upgrade_uninstall <Return>
      Are you sure to remove a part of PRIMECLUSTER from your system (y or n) ? y <Return>
      The uninstallation finished successfully.


      • After removing the PRIMECLUSTER package, do not reboot the systemuntil the package has been installed or overwritten. It might not be possible to access the system.

    5. Execute the following cluster_install script, and install the package or overwrite it.

      # cd <Directory copied to>/Tool <Return>
      # ./cluster_install -e EE-OT <Return>
      Installation of PRIMECLUSTER started.
      PRODUCT : PCLsnap
      Installing package <FJSVpclsnap> ... finished.
      The installation finished successfully.


      • The following message might be output:

        # ./cluster_install -x xx <Return>
        INFO: no package to update

        This message indicates that the newer version of all the packages is installed, so it is not necessary to upgrade.

      • While executing the cluster_install script, the following message might be output

        # ./cluster_install -x xx <Return>
        Installing package <XXXXXXXXXXX> ... skipped.

        This message indicates that the same version of all the packages is installed, so it is not necessary to upgrade.

    6. Restore the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment that was backed up at step 2.

      # cp -p /<mydir>/Tuning_Param /var/opt/FJSVclapm/etc <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/hvipalias /usr/opt/reliant/etc <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/services /etc  <Return>
      # crontab -u root /<mydir>/crontab.bak <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/webview.cnf /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/webview.cnf <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/.policy /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/.policy <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/wvlocal.cnf /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/wvlocal.cnf <Return>

      If you find the Plugin.html file has been changed at step 2, restore the value.

      There is no need to do this step if it has not been changed.

      Edit the /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/Plugin.html file using a text editor then write the value noted at step 2 back to the file (in the example "xx" ):

         [Before Modification]
           <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="60">
         [After Modification] 
           <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="xx">
    7. If you are using GLS, execute the following procedure to restore the GLS operating environment.

      1. Restore the GLS operating environment that was backed up.

        # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetrestore -f /<mydir>/hanetYYYYMMDD.bk <Return> 
      2. When GLS is set to the network used for the public LAN (used also for the administrative LAN), restore the settings.

        Edit the ifcfg-eth0 file and the ifcfg-sha0 as follows.

        In the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file, uncomment DEVICETYPE and PEERDNS. Set BOOTPROTO=static and DEFROUTE=no.

        UUID=<Fixed value of the environment (not necessary to change)>

        Verify that set the ONBOOT of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 to yes.

        # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 <Return>
        DNS1=<IP address of primary DNS server>
        DNS2=<IP address of secondary DNS server>
    8. If you are using GDS, restore the GDS operating environment that was backed up at step 3.

      # cp -p /<mydir>/devlabel /etc/sysconfig/devlabel <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/devname_conf /etc/sysconfig/devlabel.d/devname_conf <Return>
    9. Set the java_home environment variable of Web-Based Admin View.

      # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvSetparam java_home /opt/FJSVwvbs/jre <Return>
    10. Check the settings of the current automatic startup of RMS and execute the following command according to the settings.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      1 <- Check this value.

      If "0" is set, the automatic startup of RMS has been restricted. Go to Step 8.

      If "1" is set, execute the following command to restrict the automatic startup of RMS.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART 0
      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      0 <- Check "0" is output.
  8. After completing step 7 on all the cluster nodes, enable automatic start of the PRIMECLUSTER services on each cluster node.

    # /opt/FJSVpclinst/bin/pclservice on <Return>
  9. Download patch(es)

    Download the latest PRIMECLUSTER patch(es) and update information file from Updatesite.

  10. Apply the patch(es) for this software.

    For installation instructions and pints of concern, etc., refer to the update information file of each patch.

  11. Restart the system on each cluster node.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  12. Check if they are all active then go to the following steps. If you are using Cluster Applications, enable the RMS setting on any one of the cluster nodes.

    1. Start RMS Wizard using the following command. The configuration name is the same as that of step 1.

      # hvw -n <configuration name> <Return>
    2. Select "Configuration-Activate" from "Main configuration menu" then execute Activate of the RMS setting.

    3. Exit RMS Wizard.

  13. Change HV_RCSTART variable from "0" to "1" on all the nodes as follows:

    1. If you change the settings that restrict the automatic startup of RMS in step 7-10, return the settings back to its previous settings.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART 1
      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      1 <- Check "1" is output.
    2. Start RMS.

      # hvcm <Return>
  14. Delete the destination directory if it is not required.