PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition4.6A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.1.2 Uninstallation

  1. Login to the system as the root user.

    $ su <Return>
    Password:password <Return>
  2. If you are using RMS, stop RMS.

    # hvshut -a <Return>
  3. If you are using GFS, unmount all the GFS shared file systems and stop GFS.

    # sfcumount GFS_MOUNTPOINT <Return>
    # systemctl stop fjsvgfsfsrm2.service <Return>
    # systemctl stop fjsvgfsfsrm.service <Return>
  4. If you are using GDS, cancel the GDS settings. For details see the "PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide".

  5. Boot the system in single user mode.

    Check the default target.


    • The default target before upgrading ([] in the following example) varies depending on the system.

    • Put down the default target before upgrading as you can restore the system to the state prior to upgrading later.

    # systemctl get-default <Return>

    The default target changes in single-user mode.

    # systemctl set-default <Return>

    Start the system again in single-user mode.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  6. If you are using GDS, check the file in the /dev/sfdsk directory. If there are other files than _adm, _diag, _sysadm, and _sysdiag, delete them.

  7. Insert the DVD and mount the DVD device.

    # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/<device file name> <DVD-ROM mount point> <Return>
    <DVDROM_DIR> will be used as the mount point.
  8. Execute the CLI uninstaller.

    # cd <DVDROM_DIR>/Tool <Return>
    # ./cluster_uninstall <Return>
    Are you sure to remove PRIMECLUSTER from your system (y or n) ? y <Return>
    The uninstallation finished successfully.
  9. Eject the DVD, then reboot the system by executing the "shutdown(8)" command.

    # cd / <Return>
    # umount <DVDROM_DIR> <Return>
    # eject <Return>

    The default target changes in multi-user mode.

    # systemctl set-default <Return>

    Start the system again.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>


    • In PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services:
      Redundant Line Control Function, when using the user command execution function and script files remains, the directory under /etc/opt/FJSVhanet/script is not deleted. Delete this directory after saving or deleting script files.

      # cd /etc/opt <Return>
      # rm -rf FJSVhanet <Return>