PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition4.6A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.3.1 Preparations

  1. Time required

    It takes approximately 10 minutes to install this software.

  2. Package check

    Before installing this software, check if the necessary OS packages listed in "Appendix C Necessary OS packages to be installed" are installed on the system.

    # rpm -qi <Package>.<Architecture> <Return>

    If the command encounters an error, install the OS packages according to the OS document.

  3. System environment check

    To install Web-Based Admin View, it is necessary to modify the IP address for Web-Based Admin View and its corresponding host name, and the host name corresponding to ""(for IPv4) and "::1"(for IPv6).

    1. Login to the system and become the root user.

      $ su <Return>
      Password:password <Return>
    2. Delete the host name allocated to ""(for IPv4) and "::1"(for IPv6) using a text editor and allocate it to the IP address for Web-Based Admin View.

      [Before change]

      # cat /etc/hosts <Return>   host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      ::1         host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

      [After change]

      # cat /etc/hosts <Return>   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
      IP-Address  host-name