PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition4.6A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.2 Installation on Cluster nodes (cloud environment)

This section explains cluster node installation using the CLI installer in the cloud environment.


Before installing PRIMECLUSTER, take a snapshot of the system disk.

  1. Kernel header

    Before installing this software, it is necessary to install the kernel header that supports OS of the system. Check if the kernel header is installed on the system by executing the following command:

    # rpm -qi kernel-devel <Return>

    If the command encounters an error, or the kernel source version different than the system OS, install the kernel source according to the OS document.


    When using the yum command, check that the security groups and firewall rules have been set properly.

  2. Package check

    Before installing this software, check if the necessary OS packages listed in "Appendix C Necessary OS packages to be installed" are installed on the system.

    # rpm -qi <Package>.<Architecture> <Return>

    If the command encounters an error, install the OS packages according to the OS document.


    • Before installing packages in FUJITSU Hybrid IT Service FJcloud-O environment, it is necessary to do the settings for Red Hat Update Infrastructure. For details, refer to "FUJITSU Hybrid IT Service FJcloud-O IaaS Features Handbook."

    • The following error message might be output and yum installation fails.

      Protected multilib versions: ******.x86_64 != ******.i686

      Follow the procedure below and install the x86_64 package after first updating the i686 package.

      Example) If the libXp.x86_64 installation fails

      # yum update libXp.i686 <Return>
      # yum install libXp.x86_64 <Return>

      Specify the same version as the i686 package and install the x86_64 package.

  3. Correcting the /etc/hosts file

    To install the Web-Based Admin View, it is necessary to edit the IP address as well as its host name (node name output in uname -n), as well as the host name (node name output in uname -n) for "" (for IPv4), "::1"(for IPv6), used by the Web-Based Admin View in the /etc/hosts file.

    1. Login to the system and become the root user.

      $ sudo su - <Return>
      Password:password <Return>
    2. Delete the host name allocated to ""(for IPv4) and "::1"(for IPv6) using a text editor and allocate it to the IP address for Web-Based Admin View.

      [Before change]

      # cat /etc/hosts <Return> host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      ::1       host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

      [After change]

      # cat /etc/hosts <Return> localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      ::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
      IP-Address host-name
  4. Check the NetworkManager service.

    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7]

    PRIMECLUSTER does not support the NetworkManager service in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

    Check to disable the auto startup of the NetworkManager service.

    Check that the setting of auto startup of the NetworkManager service is "disabled" using the following command.

    # /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled NetworkManager.service <Return>

    If the setting is "enabled", disable the NetworkManager service using the following command.

    # /usr/bin/systemctl stop NetworkManager.service <Return>
    # /usr/bin/systemctl disable NetworkManager.service <Return>

    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8]

    Check to enable the auto startup of the NetworkManager service.

    Check that the setting of auto startup of the NetworkManager service is "enabled" using the following command.

    # /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled NetworkManager.service <Return>

    If the setting is "disabled", enable the NetworkManager service using the following command.

    # /usr/bin/systemctl start NetworkManager.service <Return>
    # /usr/bin/systemctl enable NetworkManager.service <Return>
  5. Copy the data from the DVD and deploy it in the environment where the installation is done.

    Prepare separate environments where the DVD can be set and mounted and mount the DVD.

    Copy source system # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/<Device file name> <DVD-ROM mountpoint> <Return>

    Copy the entire directory under <DVD-ROM mountpoint> to all the target systems copied to. Set the directory copied to as <Directory copied to>.


    When you copy to the target system, use the tar command to archive and make sure that the symbolic link is not made into an actual file.

  6. Execute the CLI installer.

    Prepare separate environments where the DVD can be set and mounted and mount the DVD.

    # cd <Directory copied to>/Tool <Return>
    # ./cluster_install -e EE-OT <Return>
    Installation of PRIMECLUSTER started.
    PRODUCT : PCLsnap
    Installing package <FJSVpclsnap> ... finished.
    The installation finished successfully.
  7. Reboot the system by executing the shutdown(8) command.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  8. Download the latest PRIMECLUSTER patch(es) and update information file from Updatesite.

  9. Apply the corrections to PRIMECLUSTER.

    For how to apply changes, refer to "Software Maintenance" in " PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide Cloud Services ", and see the points of concern in the correction information file of each correction.