PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition4.6A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.1.1 Preparations

  1. Time required

    It takes approximately 15 minutes to install this software.

  2. Kernel header

    Before installing this software, it is necessary to install the kernel header that supports OS of the system. Check if the kernel header is installed on the system by executing the following command:

    # rpm -qi kernel-devel <Return>

    If the command encounters an error, or the kernel source version different than the system OS, install the kernel source according to the OS document.

  3. System environment check

    1. When installing this software on PRIMEQUEST, it is necessary that the installation of software prerequisites is completed.

      For setup instructions, refer to the following manuals:

      [PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series]

      • PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Installation Manual

      • PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series ServerView Mission Critical Option User Manual

      [PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series]

      • PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Installation Manual

    2. To install Web-Based Admin View, it is necessary to modify the IP address for Web-Based Admin View and its corresponding host name(node name output in uname -n), and the host name(node name output in uname -n) corresponding to ""(for IPv4) and "::1"(for IPv6).

      1. Login to the system and become the root user.

        $ su <Return>
        Password:password <Return>
      2. Delete the host name allocated to ""(for IPv4) and "::1"(for IPv6) using a text editor and allocate it to the IP address for Web-Based Admin View.

        [Before change]

        # cat /etc/hosts <Return>   host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
        ::1         host-name localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

        [After change]

        # cat /etc/hosts <Return>   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
        ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
        IP-Address  host-name
    3. Check the NetworkManager service.

      [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7]

      PRIMECLUSTER does not support the NetworkManager service in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

      Check to disable the auto startup of the NetworkManager service.

      Check that the setting of auto startup of the NetworkManager service is "disabled" using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled NetworkManager.service <Return>

      If the setting is "enabled", disable the NetworkManager service using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl stop NetworkManager.service <Return>
      # /usr/bin/systemctl disable NetworkManager.service <Return>

      [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8]

      Check to enable the auto startup of the NetworkManager service.

      Check that the setting of auto startup of the NetworkManager service is "enabled" using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled NetworkManager.service <Return>

      If the setting is "disabled", enable the NetworkManager service using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl start NetworkManager.service <Return>
      # /usr/bin/systemctl enable NetworkManager.service <Return>
    4. Check the auto startup of the snmptrapd service. (For the PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series)

      For the PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series, the setting of the auto start of the snmptrapd service is enabled.
      Check that the setting of auto startup of the snmptrapd service is "enabled" using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled snmptrapd.service <Return>

      If the setting is "disabled", enable the snmptrapd service using the following command.

      # /usr/bin/systemctl enable snmptrapd.service <Return>
    5. Check the definition of snmptrapd.conf. (For the PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series)

      For the PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series, add the definition to snmptrapd.conf.

      When "net public" has not been described to the definition of authCommunity entry of /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf, edit the authCommunity entry of the /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf file using a text editor.

      If the IP address of the administrative LAN is IPv6 address, add the definition of "snmpTrapdAddr udp:162,udp6:162" to /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf. When "snmpTrapdAddr" entry has been described without "udp6:162" in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf, add "udp6:162" to "snmpTrapdAddr" entry.

      [Before Modification]

      # Example configuration file for snmptrapd
      # No traps are handled by default, you must edit this file!
      # authCommunity   log,execute,net public
      # traphandle SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart    /usr/bin/bin/my_great_script cold

      [After Modification]

      # Example configuration file for snmptrapd
      # No traps are handled by default, you must edit this file!
      # authCommunity   log,execute,net public
      # traphandle SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart    /usr/bin/bin/my_great_script cold
      authCommunity   net public
      snmpTrapdAddr udp:162,udp6:162
    6. Update of the firmware (For the PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series)

      Apply the version of firmware PA18011 or later, when configuring a cluster system in a PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series using a Extended Partition.

    7. Check the "OS Status Notification" (For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8)

      When installing this software on PRIMERGY(without RX4770M3, RX1330M3, TX1320M3, TX1330M3), it is necessary that the installation of software prerequisites is completed.

      • "OS Status Notification"

        Follow these steps to download.

      1. Open by a web browser.

      2. Enter "OS Status Notification" to the search form, and search.

      3. Download from "PRIMERGY Tools" - "PRIMERGY Specific Software".

    8. To enable Secure Boot in a virtual environment, public key of PRIMECLUSTER must be registered in the system. Refer to the OS manual and the virtual environment manual to register the following public key in the system.

      <DVD-ROM mount point>/Tool/etc/certs/fjmw_pubkey.der
  4. Package check

    1. Before installing this software, check if the necessary OS packages listed in "Appendix C Necessary OS packages to be installed" are installed on the system.

      # rpm -qi <Package>.<Architecture> <Return>

      If the command encounters an error, install the OS packages according to the OS document.

    2. Check if the packages are installed on the system by executing the following command:

      Check if the following package is installed on the system by executing below command:

      # rpm -qi ruby <Return>

      In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 (for Intel64) or later, and when using GDS on a system with firmware in UEFI mode, check if the following package is installed on the system by executing below command:

      # rpm -qi grub2-efi-x64-modules <Return>

      In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 (for Intel64) or later, check if the following packages are installed on the system by executing below command:

      # rpm -qi policycoreutils-python-utils <Return>
      # rpm -qi strace <Return>
      # rpm -qi rubygems <Return>

      If the command encounters an error, install the packages from CD-ROM(DVD) of the OS.