Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.5.5 Starting CSG Web GUI

Use the following procedure to start CSG Web GUI.

  1. Start the web browser.
    Refer to "A.3 Support List" for details about the supported web browsers.

  2. Enter the following URL in the address bar on the web browser:


    For hostName, specify the IP address or FQDN of the virtual machine in which this product is running.
    For portNumber, specify the port number that is set in " Setting the HTTPS Port Number". If you have not changed the default HTTPS port number (9856), set this value to 9856.


    • For the URL in the web browser, enter either the IP address or FQDN that you specified for Common Name when you performed the procedure for "Creating a Certificate" in " Setting an HTTPS Communication".

    • If the URL is different from the certificate such as in the following examples, a certificate warning message is displayed. To prevent the warning message, create a certificate for the IP address or FQDN that you entered for the URL:

      • A certificate created with an FQDN is accessed using the URL that is specified with an IP address

      • A certificate created with an IP address is accessed using the URL that is specified with an FQDN

      • The virtual machine in which this product is running has multiple IP addresses and the IP address used in the URL is different from the one specified for the certificate

  3. The initial user creation screen is displayed.
    Enter the required items and click Done.

After you have completed the above procedure, the CSG Web GUI dashboard is displayed.


An initial user can be created with the CSG REST API. Refer to "Initial User Creation" in the "Reference Guide".


  • To log in to CSG Web GUI, enter the username and password for the user that was created in the initial user creation screen.

  • If the browser URL is forcibly changed, you might see the following message during login: "The operation failed. Login failed. This user is already logged in on the same terminal". In such a case, please restart the login browser and try to login again.
    Depending on the browser settings, you might see the same error message even after restarting the browser. In such a case, please clear the browser cookies and try to login again.

  • The following message may be displayed during the operation of CSG Web GUI.

    st10500001: Internal error occurred.

    If the message occurs even if the operation is re-executed, reboot this product and try again. If the problem persists, collect the information required for troubleshooting and contact our customer support department.


When CSG Web GUI is started for the first time, the following charts and graphs are not displayed:

  • Pie chart on the Used cache capacity panel

  • Pie chart on the Used datastore capacity panel

  • Line graph on the Cache I/O performance panel

  • Line graph on the Cloud transfer performance panel

These charts and graphs are displayed after you have defined and started operation of the datastore.