Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.2 Deploying to KVM Environment

Use the tar.gz file on the DVD to deploy the virtual appliance. The procedure is described below.

  1. Transfer the tar.gz file to a directory of your choice on the KVM host, and then extract it there.

    # tar xzvf CSG_v130_kvm.tar.gz
  2. Copy the files from the extracted directory to their respective locations.

    # cp CSG_v130_kvm.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images
    # cp CSG_v130_kvm.xml /etc/libvirt/qemu

    When changing the name of a virtual machine, edit the copy destination xml file with a text editor. Change the <name> tag below to a name that differs from other virtual machines. After the deployment, the Virtual Machine Manager will display the tag as the virtual machine name.

    Lines to change:


    For multiple instances of this product on a single KVM host, copy the file using a new name. The examples below show file copies with their names changed to "CSG_v130_kvm2.qcow2" and "CSG_v130_kvm2.xml" respectively.

    # cp CSG_v130_kvm.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/CSG_v130_kvm2.qcow2
    # cp CSG_v130_kvm.xml /etc/libvirt/qemu/CSG_v130_kvm2.xml

    Next, change the following two lines of the copy destination xml file with a text editor. Change the <name> tag to a name that differs from other virtual machines. Specify the path to the copied qcow2 file for the file property of the <source> tag.

    Lines to change:

    <source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/CSG_v130_kvm.qcow2'/>


    <source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/CSG_v130_kvm2.qcow2'/>
  3. Specify the xml file, and register the VA image for this product.

    # virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/CSG_v130_kvm.xml

    If the file name is changed in Step 2, specify that name.

    # virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/CSG_v130_kvm2.xml
  4. Click Virtual Machine Manager to open the Virtual Machine Manager.

  5. On the Virtual Machine Manager, select the VA image for this product and then click Open.

  6. In the virtual machine screen, select Detail in the View menu.

  7. In the virtual machine details screen, select NIC, select the virtual network or host device to connect to, and then click Apply.

  8. For multi-network configurations, click Add hardware and then select Network in the Add new virtual hardware dialog box. Select the virtual network or host device to connect with this product, specify virtio as the device model, and then click Finish.

  9. Refer to "A.1 Virtual Appliance Specifications" and change the number of virtual CPUs and the memory size as necessary.

  10. Add a virtual disk for the cache area that you estimated in "2.1.2 Cache Capacity". In the virtual machine details screen, click Add Hardware and then click Storage in the Add New Virtual Hardware dialog box.

  11. Select Select or create custom storage to add a storage volume. In the Add a Storage Volume dialog, set Format to raw and then change Max Capacity to the value that you estimated for the cache area.

  12. Return to Add New Virtual Hardware dialog box and set Bus type to VirtIO.

  13. Click Finish.