If you change the configuration of a storage pool, you have to reintegrate the configuration information in the AdvancedCopy Manager definitions and reimplement a backup. This section explains some typical procedures for changing configurations.
Changing a storage pool configuration means to make the following modifications to devices that constitute the storage pool:
Adding/replacing/deleting a device
Changing the capacity of a device (e.g. by recreating a LUN)
For changing a configuration, implement below procedure.
Perform step 3 in the OS and the remaining steps in AdvancedCopy Manager. For operational details, refer to the corresponding manuals.
For replacing a device, deleting a device, or changing volumes, cancel any EC/REC or QuickOPC copying sessions, or OPC physical copying for that device.
For replacing a device, deleting a device, or changing volumes, delete the devices and the pairing of the copy destination device to be replaced or deleted from the group definitions of AdvancedCopy Manager.
Change the device configuration in the storage pool.
Add devices and copy destination pairs, which have been added, replaced or changed their volumes, to the group definitions of AdvancedCopy Manager.
In order to maintain consistency of the entire storage pool, perform a backup of the reconfigured storage pool.