In replication volume information, the system volume to be backed up must be set as the source volume and the backup destination volume as the replica volume. If the replication volume information is not set, set it.
Refer to "6.4.5 Configuring Source Volume and Replica Volume" for information how to set the replication volume information.
If the system volume is allocated to a slice that includes VTOC, check the notes in " Slice Containing VTOC".
If the system volume operates as a Logical Unit (disk unit), refer to " Notes on Executing Logical Unit (Disk) Unit Copy".
Register the backup volume as a volume without a mount point.
Specify the server used for backup operations as the replication destination.
# /opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol -o REP SYSVOL@TRG-SV SBKVOL@SBK-SV |