ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V16.8 Operation Guide

3.6.4 Deleting Managed Server

The process of deleting a Managed Server can be carried out using either Web Console or the stgxfwcmdelsrv command.


Ensure that all of the steps are complete before removing the Managed Server that is to be deleted.

The required steps for deleting a Managed Server are described below.

  1. Delete the backup history of all transaction volumes on the Managed Server to be deleted. For more information, refer to " Deleting Backup History".

  2. Delete the backup policy of all transaction volumes on the Managed Server to be deleted.

    The process of deleting a backup policy can be carried out using either Web Console or the swstbkpoldel command.

  3. Delete the volume type that was registered using "3.4.6 Setting Operation Type for Device" for the device connected to the Managed Server.

  4. Delete the Managed Server.

  5. If you have deleted the Managed Server with the stgxfwcmdelsrv command, take the following actions to reflect to Web Console depending on how the agent installed in the deleted Managed Server is used:

    • If both of AdvancedCopy Manager's agent and Storage Cruiser's agent are used:

      With Web Console, execute the Reload Conf. operation to update to the latest information.

    • If only AdvancedCopy Manager's agent is used:

      With Web Console, delete the Managed Server that you have deleted.