ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V16.8 Operation Guide

1.4.3 Volumes under Control of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM)

AdvancedCopy Manager can back up or replicate volumes under the control of VxVM (referred to as VxVM volumes in this document) in the following units:

For details on backup of a subordinate volume of VxVM, refer to the section titled "3.9 VxVM Volume Operation". For details on replication of a subordinate volume of VxVM, refer to the section titled "6.9 VxVM Volume Operation". Logical Volume

AdvancedCopy Manager copies a logical volume by copying the entire public region of the VM disk (physical disk) having the sliced attribute (the private region is separate from the public region) instead of copying in units of sub-disks.
Specify a device name as the VxVM logical volume name.

Figure 1.5 VM Disk (Physical Disk) Having Sliced Attribute (Private Region Is Separate from Public Region)

The above means that AdvancedCopy Manager copies the VxVM logical volume in units of physical slices (/dev/dsk/cXtXdXsX) instead of units of logical volumes.

A VxVM volume that can be operated in units of logical volumes must satisfy the following conditions:

Figure 1.6 Relationships Between Volumes, VM Disks and Physical Disks (1)

A configuration with more than one logical volume in a single VM disk (the logical volumes and VM disk are defined as N:1 (N>1)), such as shown below, is also supported but note the following points:

Figure 1.7 Relationships Between Volumes, VM Disks and Physical Disks (2)

Figure 1.8 Relationship Between Volumes and Subdisks

AdvancedCopy Manager does not support logical volumes whose configuration is:


  • A disk group is created as a CDS disk group by default for VxVM 4.0. To obtain a disk group supported by AdvancedCopy Manager, create a non-CDS disk group, and specify "sliced" as the disk type. Physical Disks That Constitute Disk Group

The VM disks (physical disks) on which a sub-disk used by a logical volume exists are used as the management units.

Figure 1.9 Example of VxVM Configuration

Since AdvancedCopy Manager copies an entire VM disk, not only the shared area that is a sub-disk but also the public region containing VxVM-internal configuration information is copied.
When backup or replication is performed, therefore, the integrity of VxVM configuration information must be maintained during copying.

Specify a device name as follows:


Except when used under a SunCluster environment, operations are not supported under naming convention operations based on enclosures in VxVM.


For operation in a cluster configuration, the device name of the physical disks that comprise the volume group must be the same at all servers that comprise the cluster, and the ETERNUS Disk storage system's disk indicated by the device name must be the same.

For operation in a SunCluster environment, the VxVM enclosure name must be the same at all servers that comprise the cluster, and the ETERNUS disk indicated by the enclosure name must be the same.


It is only VM disk of the <nopriv> type that a physical slice becomes the unit of management.