PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

G.2.1 Without using the Host OS failover function

Perform the following procedure on guest OSes in which the Migration is performed and all host OSes.

You need to perform this procedure only once and not for each Migration.

  1. Creating host OS information files (guest OS)

    Execute the following command under any directory on one of the cluster nodes of the guest OS to create an information file of the host OS. After executing this command, a file named "sfkvmmigrate.img.hostname" will be created in the current directory.

    Execute the command several times to create information file of all host OSes.

    If you have already performed this procedure, you do not have to perform Step 1 through 3.

    # /opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/bin/sfkvmmigratesetup -c -i hostip -g hostname

    Specify the IP address of the host OS.

    Available IP address formats are IPv4 and IPv6.

    IPv6 link local addresses are not available.


    Specify the host name of the host OS.

  2. Distributing the host OS information file (host OS)

    Forward the host OS information file created in Step 1 to each host OS and change the file name to "sfkvmmigrate.img." Then, place it to "/var/opt/SMAWsf".

    # mkdir -p /var/opt/SMAWsf
    # cp sfkvmmigrate.img.hostname /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img
  3. Changing privileges (host OS)

    Execute the following commands to change the privileges of the host OS information file distributed in Step 2.

    # chown root:root /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img
    # chmod 644 /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img
  4. Setting up the guest OSes (host OS/guest OS)

    Perform the following procedure on all guest OSes.
    It is alternative to perform following procedure on all guest OSes at a time or one by one.

    1. Stopping of guest OS

      Execute the following command on the guest OS to stop the guest OS.

      # /sbin/shutdown -P now
    2. Settings to look up host OS information

      On the host OS where the guest OS is stopped, execute the following command to enable the guest OS to look up the host OS information file.


      # virsh attach-disk domain /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img vdpcl --cache none --mode readonly --shareable --persistent


      # virsh attach-disk domain /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img vdpcl --cache none --mode readonly --persistent

      Specify the domain name of the guest OS.

    3. Startup of guest OS

      Start the guest OS.

  5. Creating the user ID in the destination host OS (host OS)

    Create the user ID in the destination host OS.

    For the detailed procedure, see " Host OS setup (after installing the operating system on guest OS)."

  6. Login to the destination host OS (guest OS)

    From all guest OSes, authenticate yourself (create the RSA key) on the destination host OS in advance, which is required when using SSH for the first time.

    Log in to the destination host OS from all guest OSes with the host OS account specified in libvirt shutdown agent.

    # ssh -l user XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    The authenticity of host 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes <- Input yes