PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

E.4.1 Operation Check by Restarting the System

This service operates on operating system startup. Therefore, you need to restart OS to check the operation.

The following describes how to check the operation by temporarily and manually updating the configuration file for the shutdown agent and restarting the system.

  1. Backing up the configuration file for the shutdown agent

    Back up the SA_ipmi.cfg file on a node, hereafter referred to as nodeA, for which you check the operation.

    # cp -p /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg.bk
  2. Updating the configuration file for the shutdown agent

    Change the BMC or iRMC IP address of nodeA in the configuration file for the shutdown agent in nodeA to an unused IP address.

    # vi /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg
    nodeA cycle
       The new address is as follows:
    nodeA cycle <- Change to an unused IP address


    When you change the IP address, the following message may be displayed on syslog. As a result of execution of sdtool -s, the state of SA_ipmi may be "TestFailed," however, there is no problem.

    SMAWsf : SA SA_ipmi to test host <node> failed
  3. Restarting the system

    Restart nodeA.

    # shutdown -r now
  4. Checking the configuration file for the shutdown agent

    Check that the BMC or iRMC IP address of nodeA is updated in the configuration file for the shutdown agent in nodeA.

    # vi /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg
    nodeA cycle
  5. Deleting the backup file

    Delete the backed up configuration file for the shutdown agent on nodeA.

    # rm -f  /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg.bk