Core files are not output due to errors of applications, daemons, and commands.
To identify the cause when an error occurs, be sure to set core files to be output.
To output core files, change /etc/profile as follows:
ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1
ulimit -S -c unlimited > /dev/null 2>&1
The default value of the current directories started with the OnlineScript of PRIMECLUSTER is /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms (the default value of an environment variable RELIANT_PATH).
In a system environment where core files are set to be output, if an error of the application started via the OnlineScript occurs, the core files to be output are written under /opt.
If large number of core files are output under /opt, it weighs on the /opt file system. As a result, a double operation may not be performed because the necessary information for operating PRIMECLUSTER cannot be written, or PRIMECLUSTER may not be started or switched. To avoid this, change the current directory to an appropriate directory with one of the following methods:
Changing the current directory in the head of the OnlineScript
Changing the current directory within an application
Check files under /opt periodically and if core files exist, mode them to other directory not to weigh on the /opt file system.