PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.4
FUJITSU Software

G.4.1 Canceling Prerequisites

When the migration of the guest OS is no longer necessary or before uninstalling PRIMECLUSTER from the host OS, take the following steps to cancel the prerequisites for using the migration function.

Without using the Host OS failover function
  1. Setting up the guest OS (host OS/guest OS)

    Take the following steps on the guest OS when the migration for this OS is no longer necessary.

    You can perform this procedure on multiple guest OSes at the same time, or on each guest OS one after another.

    1. Stopping of guest OS

      Execute the following command on the guest OS to stop the guest OS.

      # /sbin/shutdown -P now
    2. Canceling the settings to refer to the host OS information

      On the host OS where the guest OS is stopped, execute the following command to cancel the settings to refer to the host OS information file from the guest OS.

      # virsh detach-disk domain vdpcl --persistent

      Specify the domain name of the guest OS.

    3. Startup of guest OS

      Start the guest OS.

  2. Deleting the host OS information file (host OS)

    If the migration is no longer necessary for all the guest OSes, execute the following command on each host OS to delete the host OS information file.

    # rm /var/opt/SMAWsf/sfkvmmigrate.img
Using the Host OS failover function
  1. Setting up the guest OS (host OS/guest OS)

    Take the following steps on the guest OS when the migration for this OS is no longer necessary, or on all the guest OSes on the host OS when PRIMECLUSTER is uninstalled from this host OS.

    You can perform this procedure on multiple guest OSes at the same time, or on each guest OS one after another.

    1. Stopping of guest OS

      Execute the following command on the guest OS to stop the guest OS.

      # /sbin/shutdown -P now
    2. Canceling the settings to refer to the host OS information

      On the host OS where the guest OS is stopped, execute the following command to cancel the settings to refer to the host OS information file from the guest OS.

      # /opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/bin/sfkvmmigratesetup -r domain

      Specify the domain name of the guest OS.

    3. Startup of guest OS

      Start the guest OS.

  2. Deleting the host OS information file (host OS)

    If the migration is no longer necessary for all the guest OSes, execute the following command on each host OS to delete the host OS information file.

    # /opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/bin/sfkvmmigratesetup -d